ASA Catch along out of play line?

This play didn't affect the outcome of the game, but it might save me from skinning my hand and knee unnecessarily again:

On a pop up on a field with no fence for out of play (but a painted out of play line), if I leap out of play from in play (I stopped short of the line then laid out) and make the catch prior to contacting any part of field out of play, is it a good catch or is it foul?

The umpire ruled it foul but admitted he wasn't completely sure on the rule.


Here's the rule...

1 Catch/No Catch
A. A catch is a legally caught ball, which occurs when the fielder catches a batted, pitched or thrown ball with the hand(s) or glove/mitt.
3. The fielder's feet must be within the field of play, touching the "out of play" line or in the air after leaving live ball territory in order to have a valid catch.

Sounds like a catch to me, but there's another twist to this. If you did make the catch, you also then entered dead ball territory with the ball. Since you unintentionally carried it there, any and all runners (except the batter-runner, of course) are awarded one base from the base(s) last touched at the time you entered dead ball territory.


The Old Man
It's an out, if you were in play when you left your feet, but with a painted line or even one line on some fields, it's the umpires judgment where you left your feet.