Dan's Medical Lesson


Thought I'd post this here so the old guys would see it (I turn 63 next month):

I had a scare a few nights ago. I was walking my dog, and I saw what I thought was a lightning bug out of the corner of my left eye. A few seconds later, another one. And another. But there weren't any lightning bugs out. I was actually seeing "flashes" in my eye that weren't there.

I made an appointment with an opthamologist, and saw him this morning.

Turns out I'm okay. Just another symptom of aging. It could have been serious (detached retina), but it was not. He explained that the "jelly" inside the eyeball starts drying out and shrinking after you hit 55, and sometimes it leaves little strings attached to the outer shell, and that is what causes the light flashes.

If you have that and no other symptoms, odds are you're fine. But if you also have floaters and cloudiness, you probably need attention.


Addicted to Softballfans
I'd take a fish oil and a baby aspirin everyday just to be safe.

Thought I'd post this here so the old guys would see it (I turn 63 next month):

I had a scare a few nights ago. I was walking my dog, and I saw what I thought was a lightning bug out of the corner of my left eye. A few seconds later, another one. And another. But there weren't any lightning bugs out. I was actually seeing "flashes" in my eye that weren't there.

I made an appointment with an opthamologist, and saw him this morning.

Turns out I'm okay. Just another symptom of aging. It could have been serious (detached retina), but it was not. He explained that the "jelly" inside the eyeball starts drying out and shrinking after you hit 55, and sometimes it leaves little strings attached to the outer shell, and that is what causes the light flashes.

If you have that and no other symptoms, odds are you're fine. But if you also have floaters and cloudiness, you probably need attention.