

Addicted to Softballfans
I have been working on retooling my whole swing. took probably 1000 swings off a tee and have it down pretty good. Just went out for my first live bp session tonite and not one swing was like the ones off the tee. On a side note...I use to walk the box and am trying to get rid of that. Hence my timing was way off. Any advice? I know I need a video. I'm working on it.


what's up Doc?
take up fishing .... j/k
hey it was your first time out with live pitching , keep your swing the same and work on your timing , it will come.


Addicted to Softballfans
Too much tee work will screw up your timing. lay off the tee and hit live bp more it'll come around.


Addicted to Softballfans
and not one pitch was where you had the tee set up.
in live BP most will swing at just about every pitch.
wait for YOUR pitch that you have been hitting on the tee,
but you may wear your pitcher out doing that.

or, set your tee up at diff spots to work on different pitch locations.
most set a tee up in one position and never move it.
vary the heights, depths, and inside to outside.
from doing that, you will find what pitch location you hit best and to where.


Addicted to Softballfans
Tex is right. All of that tee work you put in is great & valuable. But w/ no real pitches to swing @ it is difficult to bring it over to live game situations. You need BP now.


Doesnt matter, had sex
Visualize a pitch floating in to the tee when you are hitting off it, helps reducing the timing issues that can develop.


Active Member
If you take 1,000 swings off the tee, take 1,001 BP swings.

Always take more swings vs. live pitching than tee work. Otherwise, timing issues will ensue.


Addicted to Softballfans
I retooled my swing at the beginning of the year last year, but it really didn't click til the middle of the year. It takes time and reps to get the muscle memory going for your new swing. Take as much BP as possible and keep working on it. Eventually it will click, and you should see the results that you hope for.


Addicted to Softballfans
If you take 1,000 swings off the tee, take 1,001 BP swings.

Always take more swings vs. live pitching than tee work. Otherwise, timing issues will ensue.

This may be true for some, or even most.
Hitting live BP, unless you actually have someone that can pitch can play hell with causing bad habits.
I probably take 10 to 1 off the tee vs live BP, if not more.
Feedback i get from others is pretty much i have no timing problems.
Everyone is different tho, what works for me may not work for you, and vice versa. If it did, we would all be swinging the same bat.:)


Addicted to Softballfans
All good pionts guys. I'll just have to put in more bp. Problem is I could hit bp 3 times a week, but none of my friends r as obsessed as me. I'm lucky to get one of them out once every 2 weeks. So tee work is my only other option. Visualizing the pitch coming is a great idea...I will def try that. Thanks guys.