handle buzzing/vibration on ri catty


Part Time Player
so i took my niw ri yellow catty out for some bp today. about 20 hits in it developed a vibration/buzzing in the handle when lightly tapping the knob.

should i be worried?


Addicted to Softballfans
I've exoerienced this on mi****s in the cage, but as long as you hit em on the screws it feels great. I don't think it should be an issue


Part Time Player
yeah i hear it's pretty common in easton's and doesn't affect anything. there's nothing on any other brand of bat having this issue though which is what worried me.


snaggin blanket anyone?!?
I noticed my re-issue cat was doing the same thing before i even took off the wrapper. Hasnt made any type of negative effect on the performance of the bat at all.