Hitting and Achilles Tendonitis


Addicted to Softballfans
I quit running
I quit bike riding
I quit walking

My achilles tendonitis finally healed up when my work schedule got so cramped I didn't have time to do anything. I didn't even have time to hit off the tee into the field behind my house.

Yesterday I had some time so I took out my work frustration on about 50 softballs using the tee. This morning the old achilles is sore.

So now I know that the source of my injury is also my best tool to improve my hitting. It's also one of my favorite stress relievers.

I guess I need to concentrate more on making good contact and good form and less on violently squishing the bug and exploding on the ball as I come out of my shoes.


Any suggestions from fellow achilles tendon strainers who did it while working on their hitting like I did?


Internet Tough Guy
I'm a fan of that blue plastic semi-circle achilles stretching tool. I'm not sure of the name, but I think I bought it off Amazon.com of all places. I think it salvaged the second half of this year for me where I'd just keep re-aggrevating it. My doctor was really useful. I said I can play a full basketball game on it no problem, but it's a time bomb when I play softball. "Don't play softball." Thanks. I read that wrapping with one of the heat pads you can microwave before any activity and then icing it after is very effective too I'm going to try that during the off season jogging.


Addicted to Softballfans
don't screw around with this! I suffered with achilles tendonitis several months and finally blew the tendon pushing off to chase a fly ball. this is something I really do not recommend - it felt like a cherry bomb went off inside my ankle. The tendonitis actually weakens the tendon. I don't know the fix as cortizone and ibuprofen did not help, but am convinced continual stretching, and I mean all the time, is key. I stretch my achilles now even when standing in line at a check-out just by leaning forward.


God of SBF Poker
I use to suffer from this bad when i was young. It would get so bad that I could barely walk after playing basket/baseball. I would soak both my ankles in epsom salt after I would play games and that helped a ton. After about 6 months of soaking it finally went away (about as randomly as it had appeared).

Here is some good info.



This sounds very consistent with my issues, but bursitis is more accurate for me.

The rest and stretching help enormously, can't wait to see how much better I will feel in the spring as I am skipping fall ball this year.

I also suggest that you evaluate your footwear and insoles. I have been using Mizuno 9-spike blasts (mids) for years, but since aggravating my heel, I can no longer wear them comfortably. My heel is less inflamed with my Tanel mids and even less so wearing my trail lows.


The Veteran
don't screw around with this! I suffered with achilles tendonitis several months and finally blew the tendon pushing off to chase a fly ball. this is something I really do not recommend - it felt like a cherry bomb went off inside my ankle. The tendonitis actually weakens the tendon. I don't know the fix as cortizone and ibuprofen did not help, but am convinced continual stretching, and I mean all the time, is key. I stretch my achilles now even when standing in line at a check-out just by leaning forward.

Exactly!! I tore mine a couple years ago the same way, pushing off to catch a ball. This is the first season ive been able to play since. If I stretch properly and consistantly it rarely bother me anymore. Not just before games or running but everyday at least a couple times.