ISPS Free Agent Market is now FREE for Individual Slow Pitch Softball Players


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Also, the ISPS Free Agent Market is Now COMPLETELY FREE for Individuals looking to Join the Free Agent Market. Visit the FREE AGENTS Tab at to Sign Up for FREE!!!!


Addicted to Softballfans
Without searching at all, I'm going to go ahead and say there's 100% positively a version of that song done by Eric Cartman somewhere on the internetz


The ISPS Free Agent Market is now FREE for Individuals who want to get placed on the ISPS Free Agent Market to get picked up by an ISPS Sanctioned Team!

Visit the Free Agent Market at and REGISTER NOW FOR FREE!!!!!!



ISPS Free Agent Market is now FREE for Individual Slow Pitch Softball Players

ISPS Free Agent Market Now FREE for Individual Players looking for a Team

Visit the FREE AGENT Section online at



ISPS Free Agent Market is now FREE for Individual Slow Pitch Softball Players

ISPS Free Agent Market Now FREE for Individual Players looking for a Team

Visit the FREE AGENT Section online at


Addicted to Softballfans
This organization seems to be poorly ran. First of all they did not mention Bomb Squad taking the OC tourney by going undefeated. Second the umpire that they had for this had some very poor vision. The director did not have equipmemt or an extra umpire to cover the other field. I had to lend them my extention mat. The director also played in this tourney with his own team and he also had to umpire. If you asked me this was as unorganized as they get. Not to mention the conflict of interest the director created. I hope it gets better. That was just my opinion and I would still play this tourney again to see if the organization gets better.


This organization seems to be poorly ran. First of all they did not mention Bomb Squad taking the OC tourney by going undefeated. Second the umpire that they had for this had some very poor vision. The director did not have equipmemt or an extra umpire to cover the other field. I had to lend them my extention mat. The director also played in this tourney with his own team and he also had to umpire. If you asked me this was as unorganized as they get. Not to mention the conflict of interest the director created. I hope it gets better. That was just my opinion and I would still play this tourney again to see if the organization gets better.

Thank you sir for your feedback.

We really appreciate it and will take it into consideration.

Keep in mind that the Director is just trying to bring ISPS into California and teying to build something that is not going to be built over night.

Sometimes when you are just trying to start something, it takes time and you will make mistakes. But we will work hard to make ISPS the best association out there!

As for BOMB SQUAD it was stated that they only wanted to take swings and were not part of the tournament due to their level of play.

I hope you understand and see what we are trying to build here and hope that you continue to support us.

Keep that feedback coming......we love improving!


Addicted to Softballfans
This was not a form of bashing and I understand that it may take time to establish. That's why I said I would play this again. Good luck to you out here. Simply an opinion from a player standpoint and thank you for taking it simply as that opinion.