Moving to San Diego in the spring, where's the best softball at in the area?

rat bastard

Active Member
Wife and I are finally tired of the Chicago winters, heading to San Diego most likely May. What areas have the best softball fields/leagues. I figured I'd just join one of the co-rec leagues in Balboa park to start and go from there. Any info is greatly appreciated!!

rat bastard

Active Member
Haven't decided an exact location yet, been pounding the Redfin for real estate listings, flying out to S.D. superbowl weekend to look at properties.
Going to get more house for your $$ in Temecula. Good places to ball around there as well - you could even make the trek to BLD. Esco is an interesting place...some nice areas, some ghetto.

rat bastard

Active Member
flying out today to meet up with a realtor out there, I could use some warm air and sun, woke up to -15 windchill this morning, **** this city.


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Traffic can be tough and will ultimately play a big role in where you want to play but if you are south east Sportsplex Santee and if you are north east Sportsplex Poway.

rat bastard

Active Member
I deal with plenty of traffic here in chicago to get to the suburbs to play 630 games from downtown, over an hour each way, used to the bull poop.

rat bastard

Active Member
Santee is still probably better than the crap the park district in Chicago offers, the infields are like playing on the moon, I bring my own field rakes just so we aren't taking hoppers are our heads.