My 2 new pickups


Addicted to Softballfans
Nice pickups. That Nokona is in great shape for 20+ years old. Love to see a pic of the two next to each other.

Up until 1985 Nokona used the old school black patch with a gold script "Nokona." They hired a marketer (that I have met here in Dallas) and he told them it had to go. So they dumped it, but it took until 1990 to come up with the white patch... which lasted until 2000.


Addicted to Softballfans
leather is awesome but needs firmer thumb pinky and relace...I have read to use 1/8 HDPE. I have never opened one of these up. Do I replace the existing padding or take whats there and split it open to insert the plastic in between? Lexol cleaner and conditioner? what size laces? do you split the palm lace? can the heel pad be trimmed down a bit? It seems huge to me...



Addicted to Softballfans
First off, document everything you take apart with your camera phone. Second, yes, you can cut the thread holding the padding together at one end to slide out the stay and use it as a template for a new one. 1/8" HDPE is what I would use. I bet the original stuff is 1/16". If you get your lace from usaportsdirect, you can buy a palm lace that is already split. I think all the lace on your BM-76 is 3/16". You could use 1/4" for the finger tips and web spiral, but for the web, as you will need 4 separate pieces, I'd stick to 3/16". And you could use 3/16" for the entire thing. These were always made with thick heel pads, but you can certainly trim it down... Get a good pair of scissors though.

Yours has an older lacing pattern in the web area where the single post runs on the palm side of the web. Didn't take long before they move it to the back of the cross bar. When you relace, You could do it either way. I have one of each, and the one like yours is laced a little differently as well.

At this age, I am sure a little Lexol would be a good idea. After than (and before the relacing begins, a coat of beeswax would be nice too.

Good luck!


Addicted to Softballfans
awesome thanks! I actually played catch with my son last night and honestly cant believe how smooth the leather is on it. As much as I want that "white patch", this was a great find!