ninety eight to eighty four cm


Bit of background: Never gained weight during summer, so I didn't pay attention. Not sure how it happened since it happened during highest activity level during the year.

Sept, mid. Stopped drinking beer and cut out garbage snacks for 4 weeks. Usually after the season I lose a couple lbs, but this time I didn't lose any fat. Still 98 cm round waist. Thoughts: FU body. Hurt biceps brachii severe strain.

Oct-Nov. Mixed things up with Diet and exercise. Not losing fat as fast as I should have been, so I had to tweak again. Less cals and less high intensity cardio in morning. Nobody seems to talk about the HIIT "crash n burn" 8 hours or so after the much hyped HIIT "afterburn". Mid Nov, bicep not holding me back much. Still can't primarily target the bicep but most curl exercises are "4 show" anyway.

Mon: ABs

Tues: Weight lifting. Pendlay Rows, Seated cable rows, incline row, bench press, Dips, wide grip pull ups (instead of narrow), lateral raises, front raises. hit the wall midway through workout. Need a few more carbs I think. Tried some curls alt /w hammer for 20 reps straight for S'ts n' giggles to see where it's at. Used 50% max (former). Only very slight pain the end, while doing them. None after.

Wed: elipitcal machine: 70 min @ 120-135 BPM. 10 min approaching Vo2 max.

12/1.... 92 cm. Hitting the pool as active recovery and it seems to be the best thing for my shoulder. 2300 yds. +- /100. Woman in a white swimsuit was swimming next to me and I was a bit distracted counting laps.
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12/2 legs:

warm-up: jump squats....... Sets: Squats, one-legged romanian deadlifts, hamstring curls, hip sled, seated calf raises, single leg calf extensions, cable abduction exercises.


12/5 abs. switched it up. Threw in some russian barbell twists, side bends, decline sit up presses, plate twists, and i'm having a brain fart what the other three exercises were called, lol. hanging leg lifts?? bah.

Note : russian barbell twists work delts more then abs. Tried to do decline sit up presses immediately after and it didn't work so well. :D
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12/7 upper body. added curls for more direct bicep strengthening and rehab. No pain, but did feel something during a couple pendlay row reps earlier.


Pool, 2500 yds. , only down .5 cm this week, not good....but I am measuring a few cm lower then I was previously because the previous spot is no longer the widest around my midsection.
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12/9 leg day. pretty much same as last time except couple changes, one was deadlift instead of romans.


ARGH. I might have caught a secondary infection. Feel worse today then I did on Monday. Good thing I didn't push it to recover faster :rolleyes:.

Meh, sucks. I've been jonesing to hit the weights since Monday, but it might be a good thing to take a week off after 3 months with no break.


Back to it. overdid it I think. Still not quite 100% from cold yet. whoops.

Abdominal and prevention exercises.


12/22 90cm.

Lower body weights. Still weak from the flu last week even though I haven't been sick since Saturday. Felt all light headed and couldn't hold a deep breath during squats.


12-26 core, 12-28 upper body.

Man that flu kicked my arse, I still do not feel quite right.


got another damn cold. leg day today. Gotta love being dizzy after squats and DL's :rolleyes:. 89 cm.

Oddly enough, it seems I'm actually losing fat faster not doing any cardio :confused:
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Still at it... 86.5 cm or so.

Working at changing my workout plan so I can do leg day more often and not be so sore. Only did 6 exercises today.


Haven't updated this in a while. My diet was touch n go for a while. Gained a couple lbs of fat which I subsequently lost. Still at it. Gained muscle mass in my core and lower back, so my waist size at widest point increased to 87.5 cm.

Example: today, Abs and HIIT on treadmill. Having second thoughts @ running over 10 mph , 1.5 incline. One false step and I'll be "that one guy that fell off the treadmill" at the gym.
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Stuck @ about 87 cm bout 1/2-3/4 inch below my Belly button. Giving it a go again /w ECA a couple times a day.

Today did Squats 12 (warm-up) 8, 6, 5 set. Calf raises 3x12, Glute-ham exercise 3x10, Adduction and abduction exercises 3x10, something else I'm forgetting.