Old Bat with a lifetime warranty


Active Member
Does anyone remember a bat with a lifetime warranty probably 10-15 years ago. If my memory serves me correctly it was Green. Thats all I remember, I honestly cant even remember the manufacturer.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing they would send you a letter stating that asa outlawed that bat a long time ago and you are SOL


Underwear Researcher
i bet they have a dusty old box of them just waiting to be shipped out should you break one. the guy in that department hasn't had to do anything in the past 10 years.

"when someone calls that they've broken the bat, ship them one out of this box. "

"sir how many of these did we produce? "


"by my count there are 991 bats in this box "

"just do it dammit. "


Well-Known Member
They were probably like the Firestone Forever car batteries of the mid-1970s. Guaranteed to last forever, "the last battery you'll ever buy". Mine lasted a year and a half. I didn't even try to use the warranty.