Our Rover Mocks (And what we intend to do with it)


Addicted to Softballfans
Ive already got a thread up, instead of expecting anyone to read all that to get there I wanted to sum it up, this is in honor of our friend Tammy Jones, who lived for her children and ball, from one ball player to another, it would mean EVERYTHING to me if some of you could help me out with this, social media is a powerful thing, and I intend to use it to raise awareness on time in honor of Tammy. There are no dates, plans are in the works right now the big objective is to setup a local tourney that begins with this game your about to read about taking place the Friday night before so everyone can attend who wants too. I plan to make a weekend of tracking down and local news/media and saying to them, look at what I did with just myself in a day (Its already been shared over 100 times) and I would truly like to have a great message to send to everyone, and really honor my late friend.

Please forgive my babble, the message can be found and shared here;

This is a mockup of the jersey I have not posted there, but want you guys to see what I have in motion (You guys understand mocks will change) The only change I requested from Rover is to put this below the numbers
"In memory of #16"

Other then that, I have just decided to run with that design as it truly honors Tammy in every way I find possible..

This is my original FB post I posted last night from Winston Salem NC, it has made its way to Washington, parts of CA, and a few other random areas I am thinking came from this board, thank you...

Please take 5 minutes of your day and read this.

Please take 5 minutes of your day and read this.

1. A team renamed to "Sweet 16" in honor of Tammy Jones. Jerseys order with large breast cancer ribbon on front, number 16 tied in.
2.On a date yet to be determined we will setup a softball tourney we will commemorate her. Tammy Jones will be in our lineup. We will request to the coach of the other team to open this inning with us in memory of Tammy.
3.My thoughts so far on this will be to first commemorate her on the ball field by taking the field with 9 players to begin the game.I would like to leave first base open for the first 3 outs of the game.
4. The bottom of the 1st I would like to then commemorate Tammy by asking the other team to take the field as per normal and send Tammy off the best way I personally know how. What I then would like is for all the teams, fans and anyone else even in the facinity.. To take a momment of silence as we hang her last jersey #16 and Tammy takes one last bat and the other team and I will credit her as a hitting her last home run... One last cheer... At which point it will be my absolute honor and privaledge to move Tammy out of our lineup one last time for her daughter Brandi.
5.My goal is to make this as big as possible. I would like to throw the event for Tammy, and her family to honor her and donate to a cause that will make Tammy and her family proud. I would like to get in touch with vendors for food and such and sell shirts to help raise money for cancer awareness. We also could take jersey orders for anyone wanting to order a jersey of Tammy's last team. But no one is allowed to order the number 16. As it will only be hers.
6.I will myself talk to and try my best to get the news/radio involved to the best my of own personal ability. What I can use from everyone that first off I would just like to say thank you for reading it all, whether you knew or didnt know Tammy, we are allsomehow, some way directly reminded of why lifes so precious, and I would dare say every single one of you have had one of those reasons be somehow related to cancer. I have one request from you if you read this.
7. I want to send this viral, I want this to become something because for once in my life I don't want to feel the way Macklemore said it best, lets not be comftorable being voiceless, we all have a voice, this is me speaking to you, from the deepest part of my heart and asking you for the smallest favor I could possibly ask of you in my opinion, whether you know me,love me, hate me, or just dont even care,please.. Just share this on whatever social media you happen to use in honor of my late friend Tammy Jones. You've already read to this point so far, you could have clicked share 800 times in that time. So give me just that one second of your time and do that please? If I posted a picture of Biebers "!!!!!" 8 million people would have seen it by noon. Lets be heard and all stand up to cancer one more time. I plan to wake up tomorrow and check this,I truly can make more of a difference with an argument of saying 100,000 people are behind me on this. and I am going to fight to make this as big as I can my self if I have to , butI have no doubt I have the greatest friends in the entire world, its time to proove it, I need all your help. Please.
8.My jerseys have already been ordered for the night, I would like to thank my mother, Janet Butler the best woman I know in this entire world for the purchase of our jerseys on behalf of her business Re-Transportation and Waterelefe Inc for purchasing and donating over $500 for the league fee's/ jerseys. I love you mom.
My name is Justin Clinard.
If you need anything my phone number is 336-253-5354
Please help me to honor our friend Tammy Jones