Buyer Beware Phxraida15

Buyer Beware: I was buying a BMLC from him. We agreed upon the price, he told me he could ship the same day and provided his PayPal. I paid immediately and provided my address. A few hours later I get a text message saying that he can't ship the bat and he doesn't know when he will be able to. He wants to refund my money. I say no worries just ship the bat to me when you can. A week goes by and he hasn't shipped and refused to agree to a ship date. We communicated via text but he didn't seem interested in mailing the bat in any sort of timeframe because he's too busy. I did receive my money back, but the deal wasn't upheld.


Well-Known Member
I already knew there was no chance that week. What should I have done miss work? Keep his money and keep saying oh I will ship tomorrow or the following day. Or sorry I couldn’t today cause I got off late blah blah blah? No it’s all good here is your money when I can ship I will get with you. Maybe I should’ve did all the bull****ting and held his money.
he knew he couldn't ship that week but told you he could ship same day


Well-Known Member
i just want to consolidate all the posts from the multiple threads here. these are from the original selling post:

I already started a post in the open board. If it’s a BB then so be it. Thanks.

I already knew there was no chance that week. What should I have done miss work? Keep his money and keep saying oh I will ship tomorrow or the following day. Or sorry I couldn’t today cause I got off late blah blah blah? No it’s all good here is your money when I can ship I will get with you. Maybe I should’ve did all the bull****ting and held his money.

Yes you’re correct. I told him that day I would ship, I didn’t end of story: BB it is.

Whatever bro. I told you that same day and refunded you that same day because I knew it would take me well over a week to ship it to you. I did you dirty? I said I could ship that day and had to work late, I wasn’t sure when I would get to ship you the bat, so instead of bull****ting you for over a week I refunded your money and said I would get at you when I got a chance to ship it. So yes I’m guilt, I couldn’t ship the same day I said. It’s all good, I got over 200 deals with out a hiccup. Next time I guess I’m just supposed to hang on to somebody’s money and bull**** them and say I’m gonna ship.


Well-Known Member
these are from the buyer beware thread the bad dealer started:

i sold a bat to p8ntucker, I told him I’d ship that same day when I got off work. I had to stay and work late and told him immediately and said I wouldn’t be able to ship the following week and didn’t know when I’d get a chance, immediately refunded him. He told me keep the money and ship when I could, I told him no that I don’t like holding on to money that was mine and you never know what could happen? I didnt want to feel obligated to ship it to him when I’m busy at work and had a tripped planned the following week, this weekend. He then text me yesterday saying it’s been 12 days and when am I gonna ship that bat? I told I don’t have time, he said he was gonna leave a buyer beware. I told him do what he’s gotta do. I agreed to shipping that day cause I thought we were getting off early and we didn’t. I immediately refunded him and text him what happened.

I just want to know if this is a legit B.B.?

If it is so be it. I just wanted everybody to know what happened. But yeah you’re right I should’ve found a way. But my hours at work wouldn’t let me the following week. I was still going to at some point but when he said it’s been 12 days and said he’d leave me negative feedback like I still had his money I didn’t want to make extra time. If it’s a B.B. then so be it. Just wanted to share the story. Thanks.


Addicted to Softballfans
maybe instead of being a snarky ******* you should complete your deals

I couldn’t, that is why I refunded his money immediately. I thought I could ship that day but boss says no I need you to work late. **** happens. My job over shipping a bat. Idgaf!


Well-Known Member
for not giving a **** you seem to be giving a ****. the best part is where you go from "so be it" before this thread is posted to this after it gets posted

Whatever bro. I told you that same day and refunded you that same day because I knew it would take me well over a week to ship it to you. I did you dirty? I said I could ship that day and had to work late, I wasn’t sure when I would get to ship you the bat, so instead of bull****ting you for over a week I refunded your money and said I would get at you when I got a chance to ship it. So yes I’m guilt, I couldn’t ship the same day I said. It’s all good, I got over 200 deals with out a hiccup. Next time I guess I’m just supposed to hang on to somebody’s money and bull**** them and say I’m gonna ship.