Real Official 2011 Weight Loss challenge


I guess the weigh-ins on this have ceased. Gordoleo hasn't been on since Feb 13...hope he's okay.

I know I'm not in the contest, but I weighed in at 209.2 this morning (from 234.0 on 1/1). Still got 19 pounds to go :eek:. I figure 190 will be a good weight for me.


Addicted to Softballfans
I am still weighing in and doing pretty good. I didn't post last week because the updates were not getting posted. I hope Gordoleo didn't take the money (as little as it was) and run.


I am still weighing in and doing pretty good. I didn't post last week because the updates were not getting posted. I hope Gordoleo didn't take the money (as little as it was) and run.

I can't lie, the same thing crossed my mind. I'm choosing, for you guys, to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume there is a reason he hasn't been on.

What is your weight down to now?


Stuck in E Ball
The Latest. Decent week.



Gordoleo hasn't been on since Feb 13...hope he's okay.

Last time I spoke with him he was locked away studying...trying to avoid the outside world and cram as much as he can for a test. I'll shoot him a text later and see if he can login and update you guys.

I hope Gordoleo didn't take the money (as little as it was) and run.

He doesn't need your money...and he would NEVER do anything like that.

Like I said, I'll shoot him a text.

Edit: he said he's VERY VERY sorry and will try to get into town asap to update the thread.
Last edited:


Last time I spoke with him he was locked away studying...trying to avoid the outside world and cram as much as he can for a test. I'll shoot him a text later and see if he can login and update you guys.

He doesn't need your money...and he would NEVER do anything like that.

Like I said, I'll shoot him a text.

Edit: he said he's VERY VERY sorry and will try to get into town asap to update the thread.

Well, I'm not in it :p, and like I said previously...benefit of the doubt :). I work with students everyday (well not today since Pitt is on Spring Break, LOL), and I can totally understand the studying/cramming thing.


Addicted to Softballfans
Good to hear. Didn't want to say anything but it has been a while since he posted any updates.

I am down to 232 now. I am trying the steady 2 lbs a week pace.


Good to hear. Didn't want to say anything but it has been a while since he posted any updates.

I am down to 232 now. I am trying the steady 2 lbs a week pace.

Good work, bro! I'm hoping to stay at the 2lb/week range until I get to my goal weight. That would be another 10 weeks or so.


Great week, Fish! I was having a good week until a buddy of mine wanted to go to BWW Saturday night. I gained almost 3 pounds overnight :eek:. Back down to 207.8 this morning...was 206.0 Saturday morning :(:mad:. Now I have to catch up because it put me behind pace to be down to 190 by May 6.


Addicted to Softballfans
Man I am trying this week my brother in law is getting married though so we will c what happens.

Outing on Wednesday, Rehearsal dinner Friday and wedding/reception Saturday. Lots of food that will need consuming, but I plan on combating it by hitting up the hotel gym after meals.


Addicted to Softballfans
I am incredibly sorry for going AWOL on you guys, but like Outlaws said, I have been on lock down the last few weeks. I am studying for my medical licensing exam, and I take it this Saturday. I will be available from now on, and have updated the first thread. Here is the game as it stands. It looks like it will end up being a sprint to the finish. There are a lot of missing weigh ins, but I believe I should excuse them do to my absence.
Name initial last percentage lost
fishstick5 253 234.5 7.3123%
LSX Freak 303.2 286.4 5.5409%
boonebigdog 246.6 233 5.5150%
Skov18 350.5 338.7 3.3666%
BimmerPilot 267 244 8.6142%
GordoLeo 238.5 229.2 3.8994%
mikeythakid24 230 222 3.4783%

Once again, I am sorry for being away, and also for the way the excel document is displayed.


Addicted to Softballfans
I just pm'ed everyone involved, and I would appreciate everyone's cooperation. Let's try to get this back in line, and have a great sprint for the finish. I post my update tomorrow, but there is nothing to fear, as I feel like I have put on quite a few pounds. Also, there are only 3 guys that have not missed more than 3 updates. So technically speaking it is between you three, unless you guys allow the rest of us to continue. I will contact you 3 directly.


Addicted to Softballfans
I am one of the 3 that has updated every week and I just wanted it to be known what I said so there wouldn't be suspision regarding the situation:

At first I said that it was no biggie and that we should press on because I know some people dropped off because they probably thought that the competition was dead, but then I started thinking of the two other guys and the work that I have put into this and came up with the following solution. I let gordoleo know that I didn't mine the rest of the pack being back in the competition, but is someone outside the three won then they would have the choice of either getting the money in the pot or the glove, but not both and the biggest loser of the three get the other prize. If one of the three wins that person should get the whole prize since they followed all of the rules of the competition. I thought this was the most fair way to handle this situation and I know that I have been working hard not only to win the competition but also just for myself and get to my former self in relation to my health.

If you disagree with my solution I apologize, but I didn't think that the people following all the rules of the competition should get shafted by someone that didn't.

Once again, I just wanted it to be known what I said so no one could say that this came about in some underhanded way.


Stuck in E Ball
What are you doing to lose the weight?

It's a combination of will power and being busy. I like food too much and I haven't really had the time to get to the gym much. I know what I need to do I just need to do it. I've done it before.


I just pm'ed everyone involved, and I would appreciate everyone's cooperation. Let's try to get this back in line, and have a great sprint for the finish. I post my update tomorrow, but there is nothing to fear, as I feel like I have put on quite a few pounds. Also, there are only 3 guys that have not missed more than 3 updates. So technically speaking it is between you three, unless you guys allow the rest of us to continue. I will contact you 3 directly.

Congrats to all of you that had the diligence to persevere the challenge !

I stopped with my updates because (sad as this may sound) I was too busy to make the dedication for check-ins an what not; so I consider myself DQ'd. The scale that I used (for consistency) was at my work's gym and I missed way too many Friday workouts :p

Leo, hit me up on PM, for where to send a PP, I will send tonight or tomorrow to pad the pot a bit :cool:


*** EDIT
Just grabbed all the info I need from the O.P. ;)


Addicted to Softballfans

With this weigh-in do I win since I can't technically be DQ'd at this point? I am going to continue working out because I have personal goals, but by my count everyone is DQ'd but me and Skov. From talking to him he is trying to bulk up for the season so he can hit some impressive DBOs.



Addicted to Softballfans
I am still in. I missed one weigh-in when I thought this wasn't happening. I will get my pic in just a few minutes. The camera battery has been charging so I could take it tonight.

Not that it will matter as I have stalled out a bit.


Addicted to Softballfans
Sorry, but this has not been on my priority list as of late. I just took my test, and can now focus attention elsewhere. I did not go through and count exactly, but just from a quick glance it looked like three people had been keeping up. I had boonebigdog, Skov and Fishsticks way ahead of everyone as far as updates. I didn't count, because there was a big discrepancy between you 3 and the rest of us. So it appears to be a 3 horse race. I have already been in contact with Westtexas, and once we get a winner on April 1, I will send your information to him, so that you two can work out the details. I will update the first page to see where you guys stand. If any questions, you can text me at 7133067623, I respond much faster that way.


Addicted to Softballfans
I just went back and counted, and boonebigdog is correct. He has weighed in 11 times out of a possible 12. He did the reentry, and wiped out his previous weigh ins; therefore he does have less than the other 2, but since the competition officially started on January 3, he is still good to go.