Salvo Connexion and/or Scandium

Mr. Roper

Addicted to Softballfans
saw a couple threads about these, but they're closed.

i've heard they have denting issues. true? fixable or just how the bat is (like with the white steel)?
how does the connexion stack up against the white steel?
how does the scandium stack up against the connexion?


Active Member
Any metal bat has denting issues, some just take longer to get there over others. The salvo scandium is a pretty decent bat, durability is pretty good too. It's gonna depend on the balls you are hitting to determine what will be the better bat. .52 300 balls the salvo is better all day. .44 375 the salvo is still a good choice and hammers them but the durability won't match up to that of the connexion using these balls. Performance wise the salvo probably still is the better choice for both balls and they can be had much cheaper than a connexion can be had for.

After writing all this I realized you are prolly talking about the single wall scandium salvo, while the info I provided is for the multi wall salvo. The connexion is actually multi wall too as it has a Kevlar sleeve in it but idk if Asa considers that to be multi wall or not. Single walls I would go with a white steel over both of these bats tho but connexion would my second choice


Active Member
Metal only leagues are a waste of scratch $$ :D

Metal only leagues are wayyyyyy better than composite leagues. No bitching about bats, actual home run hitters are the only guys who hit homeruns. Makes for a better player cuz u have a smaller sweetspot to hit consistantly. Etc etc...

Assuming u know all of this tho from your sig


Humpty Dumpty was Pushed.....
Might as well just play stick ball in the back Alley. Dude, that broomstick is juiced


Addicted to Softballfans
Ive got the salvo connexion and the salvo scandium. I actually preferr the single piece scandium over the connexion. I usually preferr a stiff handle. I actually get a little more distance over my Raw steel, which really supprised me. But my CV12 (White with red lettering) outhits them all for distance. Which would be compared to the multiwall salvo.

Mr. Roper

Addicted to Softballfans
Metal only leagues are wayyyyyy better than composite leagues. No bitching about bats, actual home run hitters are the only guys who hit homeruns. Makes for a better player cuz u have a smaller sweetspot to hit consistantly. Etc etc...

Assuming u know all of this tho from your sig

this is pretty much how i feel. cheaper bats, generally safer... makes more sense to me.

Ive got the salvo connexion and the salvo scandium. I actually preferr the single piece scandium over the connexion. I usually preferr a stiff handle. I actually get a little more distance over my Raw steel, which really supprised me. But my CV12 (White with red lettering) outhits them all for distance. Which would be compared to the multiwall salvo.

i'm asking cuz i'm in a singlewall league. white steel is a pretty unanimous suggestion, but i know they dent fairly easily in the cold. looking for something more durable. i have a couple supercell VTs that i love, but those are getting harder to find and more expensive to buy. looking for a production bat that hits as well as the WS but lasts longer - if such a thing even exists.


Addicted to Softballfans
We used the Connexion in our metal only league and went through 3 of them in 4 weeks. All 3 got a wobble at the connection piece. Felt like the barrel was going to fall off. I don't know if it was because we play on turf or not but we ended up getting a Scandium and had no problems. We use the SB12's in this league and I felt the White Steel had a little more pop but all in all the Connexion and Scandium hit well before the wobble issues.


Addicted to Softballfans
if you can,try and find an Easton Rival,they are a single wall metal that are replaced by the Salvo scandium.their durability was better,and they had good pop from what i have seen.a guy on my team used one a couple years ago and he was murdering gold dots with it,with no durability issues whatsoever.