For Sale/Trade SCN11BH 30oz


VP of Jock Strap cleaning
OG Toxic 28oz - very clean, no stress cracks. unknown amount of hits. If I had to say something I would say 300-500. few chips here and there. 28.8 exact weight. not familiar when or if these even start to stress crack. 120.00. returnable no receipt

OG ASA Helmer SCN11BH. 30oz very clean bat. I swung it and it doesn't seem broken it all the way. Few chips and ground scratches. Again I would have to guess on hits 300-500. Exact weight is 30.3 returnable no receipt 125.00 SOLD
JHM798 27.5 Bat is in good shape. guessing around 500 hits or so. not really sure exactly. A few rock chips and ground scratches.. I have not swung this bat. Dropping my price from what I had it listed before. Exact weight is 27.2. 130.00 shipped. returnable no receipt

2010 Jh mutant 27.5 Bat seems in sounds shape besides the peeling. I dont see any stress cracking happening yet other then the peeling. Exact weight on this 27.9 dont know how many hits are on this bat. Again i would be guessing in the 500-700 range. returnable no receipt. 120.00

All prices include shipping and DC to the lower 48. If I was looking at trading the only think I would want would be an OG psycho max or OG rezzy T in good shape and only in 28oz. You can still send other trade offers you never know what I will do. I will sell bats together for a better deal. These bats are legit I just have a scale for mixing paint at my work and its exact. I always weigh them.



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