So I got a strawberry last Friday ...


Well-Known Member
Ointment and air. Don't keep a bandage on it. Had a big scrape on my elbow from sliding and keep it bandaged while at work. It healed but left a big ass scar. Had similar scrapes on knee from sliding, but never bandaged them and they heal perfectly fine


Addicted to Softballfans
Antibiotic ointment and air, clothes sticking to it will never heal..

The older we get the longer things take to heal..

If you (have) to slide then you've tried taking one base too many..

It is only recreational softball..ijs


Starting Player
I used to be like everyone else and think let it scab up and then in a month the scab will fall away and you're good as new. The problem is scabs slow the healing underneath. That is why that spot is so easy to bust open the next time you slide on it because its basically the same strawberry with a thin piece of healed skin over it.

If you want it to heal correctly keep it wrapped/covered in non-stick gauze or a big band aid and covered in ointment. This way it will heal underneath. That spot will eventually get smaller and less red and that is when you can go with out the cover. It could take a two or three weeks but when its healed properly it won't bust open all the time and you'll have a much smaller scar.

My wife worked in burn and wound at a hospital so that is how I finally saw the light lol.

Something like that, dump alcohol on it once or twice and leave it open. It'll heal fine. Using too much ointment or keeping it covered all the time will retard the healing process and increase the likelihood of infection.

One of these guys is 100% wrong