Stephane Boucher in Quebec........


is diggin country bootie
email me ASAP....

I got the bat tube today, and it was EMPTY!!! Not sure what the deal is....but this looks bad, from my theory!!

Email me ASAP...


Hi Chris...

Hope the guy who you dely with on this insured it. If you know the carrier person who delivered it, talk to him abou the tube being awefully light, then when opened, it was empty. I m sure he would know the difference between a empty tube & one that had a bat in it...


is diggin country bootie
I should re-phrase the situation...

I got a tube, and it took awhile to get here..and the tube is full of sales papers, but no bat. The feels like it should have a bat inside, so that was my big concern!

I have contacted the sender, and will see what I can do...and leave feedback. I do not think he frequents this site...I just posted here, b/c I could not remember where he contacted me from.



is diggin country bootie

This guy is dragging ass...and is full of excuses. I sent him pics of the box, and he keeps saying he has been working and can't get in touch with the claims agent.

Mail fraud gets files this week, if no refund!

BEWARE of this guy!!



Follow through with it . The Post Office has more clout that the pd in these situations.
One reason I loke goint through them also if using UPS, Try to bethere when their deliveries are made. I have a good rapore with my driver for my area. He waits for me to open it so I have a witness. My Post office usually does that also.
While I know everyone can't be there for that to happen it sure helps when this kinda stuiff comes around. If ya work, try having it del there. Just a thought.