Torn hamstring or pulled?


Amateur bat huer
If no bruising, blood pooling behind your knee, its just a pull. Like others have said, if it was torn, you would know. I have torn my hammy and it sucks arse!


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Simple google search.

A hamstring strain or a pulled hamstring as it is sometimes called is a tear in one of the hamstrings muscles (Semitendinosis, Semimembrinosis and Biceps femoris). It often results from an overload of the muscles or trying to move the muscles too fast. If you have taken an impact in the back of the leg it must be treated as a contusion. Otherwise read on.

Strains are common in all sports especially ones where sprinting is involved. They range from a complete rupture of the muscle to small micro tears that the athlete will probably not notice at the time.

Symptoms include: A sudden sharp pain at the back of the leg Muscles going into spasm Swelling and bruising If the rupture is very bad you may feel a gap in the muscle Strains are graded 1, 2 or 3 depending on severity. A grade 1 might consist of small micro tears in the muscle. A grade 2 would be a partial tear in the muscle and grade 3 is a severe or complete rupture of the muscle

Grade 1:
What does it feel like? Might have tightness in the thigh May be able to walk properly Probably won't have much swelling Lying on front and trying to bend the knee against resistance probably won't produce much pain
What can the athlete do?Use a compression bandage or heat retainer until you feel no pain See a sports injury professional who can advise on rehabilitation and strengthening
What can a Sports Injury Specialist or Doctor do?Use sports massage techniques to speed up recovery (very important) Use ultrasound and electrical stimulation Prescribe a rehabilitation programme Recovery time?About 2 to 4 weeks depending on severity and if middle of muscle or at tendon joint

Grade 2:
What does it feel like? Probably cannot walk properly May get occasional sudden twinges of pain during activity May notice swelling Pressing in causes pain Bending the knee against resistance causes pain Might be unable to fully straighten the knee
What can the athlete do?Ice, compress, elevate, use crutches for 3 to 5 days See a sports injury specialist who can advise on rehabilitation
What can a Sports Injury Specialist or Doctor do?Use sports massage techniques to speed up recovery (very important) Use ultrasound and electrical stimulation Prescribe a rehabilitation programme including stretching and strengthening exercises
Recovery time?About 3 to 6 weeks depending on severity and if middle of muscle or at tendon joint

Grade 3:
What does it feel like? Unable to walk properly without the aid of crutches In severe pain Bad swelling appear immediately A static contraction will be painful and might produce a bulge in the muscle Expect to be out of competition for 3 to twelve weeks or more
What can the athlete do?Seek medical attention immediately R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate.) Use crutches See a sports injury professional who can advise on rehabilitation and prevention
What can a Sports Injury Specialist or Doctor do?Use sports massage techniques to: speed up recovery (very important) Use ultrasound and electrical stimulation Prescribe a rehabilitation programme and monitor it Operate if needed Recovery time?At least 6 weeks depending on severity and if middle of muscle or at tendon joint

A profound tear, complete full separation. Muscles can withdraw up into the abdomen and cause sepsis, gangrene, c-diff, and hysteria. What can doctor do? Prescribe high dose of Phukital.


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From my experience if you pull it you will feel more Sharp cramping feeling and when you tear your hamstring you will feel a burn w a very sharp pain. It's hard to explain but when you have felt both you can tell the difference. I almost hade to have surgery when my tendon almost disattached from my ass bone. The recovery is long and hard!


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First stop playing on it. Next ice, ice and ice, NO heat. Ice reduces the imflammatory repsonse while heat increases the inflammatory response and thereby prolongs healing. Also avoid Ibruprofen/Motrin/Adivl as they delay soft tissue helaing when used >48 hours after the injury, stick with Tylenol if you need pain control. Don't overstretch, normal range of motion is fine, too much can cause small re-tears which can also delay healing. Lastly as an aside don't cold stretch before games, new research shows light activity to get you warmed up before stretching significantly reduces muscle injuries.


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I pulled my hammy real bad last year. The whole back of my leg turned black... I took a couple of weeks off and I was fine


Starting Player
First stop playing on it. Next ice, ice and ice, NO heat. Ice reduces the imflammatory repsonse while heat increases the inflammatory response and thereby prolongs healing. Also avoid Ibruprofen/Motrin/Adivl as they delay soft tissue helaing when used >48 hours after the injury, stick with Tylenol if you need pain control. Don't overstretch, normal range of motion is fine, too much can cause small re-tears which can also delay healing. Lastly as an aside don't cold stretch before games, new research shows light activity to get you warmed up before stretching significantly reduces muscle injuries.

So do a light jog and get your muscles and body warm and then stretch ?


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Have a frail child aged 6-8 or small chinese woman punch the back of your legs repeatedly for 5 minutes. This is to loosen up the neuroconnectors. Then take a good dump to release the toxins and eat half a can of tuna fish to replace the riboflavin in the knee cavities. Should be good to go.