Tourney questions


Addicted to Softballfans
Would like everyones input on what they would like to see during tournament to make it more appealing and fun for everyone-


powerballl inning
unlimited homeruns
beer garden

ect ect ect

let me know what you have seen and liked-

all help is appreciated


Rec Coed Superstar
Beer is always GTG, unlimited bombs is fun too but be prepared for the dirty bats to be out in full force.


Addicted to Softballfans
Powerball inning is when the ump rolls a dice before the game to determine what inning 1-6 to have unlimited homeruns in-


Addicted to Softballfans
HR's are auto gangrapes

pitchers, no gear allowed, must pitch no further than 25 feet from plate

all unaltered bats throw out, owner receives 1 year ban

any team finishing 0-2 will be executed