Trade Offer...


Athletic Supporter
Keeper League is 1ppr...guy is wanting a RB, any RB, and is offering Hartline or Maclin. He also has Harvin on his bench, but didn't offer him...

we start 2RB, 3WR, 1W/R/T...we have 11-man benches.

I have:
Chris Johnson
P. Thomas
I. Redman
Ronnie Brown

My WR:
Brown (inj)

Should I send him anybody and try to get a SJax? Since this is a keeper, Jackson isn't going to be around much longer, and I can always use a good flex WR to plug in...especially w/ Brown out, Lloyd not performing great...

Who do I send and who do I want?

Greene or SJax for Hartline or Maclin?


Addicted to Softballfans
If he would take Greene I would trade him for Hartline and start Hartline tonight vs. Buffalo and their terrible defense.


Athletic Supporter
This is the one I was thinking about...the other was dumping SJax, but for a future potential player, but I'm trying to make a run and I'm not out yet....we don't have playoffs in this league...we go to week 16.


Honestly, I wouldn't trade him Greene, CJ, or SJax. I think you're top 3 WRs are solid with Roddy, Reggie, and DHB. Plus there's Smith, and Brown will get healthy. Past your top 3 RBs, I don't really like any of them to step up and be a solid No3 RB for you. Woodhead, Ike, Thomas, Starks, and Brown are just spare parts in case someone on their team goes down.

Are there any useable WRs on the wire?


Athletic Supporter
No, the waiver has picked clean...I didn't even put a claim in this week...I mean, what I have starting is probably good enough, especially when Brown gets back, and then I also have Gonzalez and Pettigrew at TE and can flex 1 if I need too, so I'm o.k., but I was thinking maybe there would be an opportunity to upgrade a WR here by trading off a RB.

The other kicker is, this guy is in 1st place....I suppose I don't really want to help the 1st place guy out.

maybe he'll cough up Harvin, if needs a RB that


No, the waiver has picked clean...I didn't even put a claim in this week...I mean, what I have starting is probably good enough, especially when Brown gets back, and then I also have Gonzalez and Pettigrew at TE and can flex 1 if I need too, so I'm o.k., but I was thinking maybe there would be an opportunity to upgrade a WR here by trading off a RB.

The other kicker is, this guy is in 1st place....I suppose I don't really want to help the 1st place guy out.

maybe he'll cough up Harvin, if needs a RB that

With that being your TE situation and having the ability to use the TE as a flex option, I wouldn't trade any of your RBs for Hartline or Maclin or Harvin. That said, I'm a big believer in stockpiling RBs, lol.

So this league doesn't have a playoff? Honestly, I wouldn't like that at all. The thing about the playoffs is that it lets that Cinderella story happen and gives owners hope for the entire regular season.
I'd hold on to Greene, his fantasy playoff matchups are pretty great (wk 15 JAX wk 16 TEN). SJax has a tough road ahead of him and his future in general is hazy. Hartline is a decent receiver but if you took that monster game out even in a PPR he averages only about 10 pts a game. I personally have no desire to own any Dolphin right now but that's just me. Maclin on the other hand I would not touch with a 10 foot pole.

I think your selling your current receivers short. I personally think Hartline would be the 6th best receiver on your team, 7th when Brown comes back. Amd your RB depth is spooky. I'd try to keep your RB as strong as possible.

White and Wayne are obvious starts and you have matchups galore this week with your other receivers.

Steve Smith is up against pretty much the worst Pass D and DHB is up against the worst D period. And in the long term both are better options than Hartline on a week to week basis.


Athletic Supporter
I think you guys may have saved me from throwing out a possible bad deal....I think I will stand pat, and keep my RBs...