Transitioning from slow pitch to fast pitch


Bat Huer
No, but it’s worth mentioning it’s two different swings. In slow pitch you have the luxury of time that allows big weight transfer and the flexibility to move around to put the ball where you want/need to.

Fastpitch (windmill or even modified with good
pitching) will force you to move back to the “A to C” short but efficient baseball swing to be able to adjust to the pitch. If you start running into D1 college pitching talent they can make even experienced players look foolish. They mound is closer so 60 mph looks more like 90 mph and the off-speed stuff can be harsh when you’re geared up to time a fastball.


Dont hesitate just make the switch. I have 0 background in slowpitch so cant offer any advice but I dont think you'll regret it.
If you played baseball you should see the ball okay, just try get used to identifying a rise ball as fast as you can.