Not GTG $Yahtzee$ outstanding bad deal


Addicted to Softballfans
well true i understand when it takes a week. but not all of us sit on this site religiously. but whatever i guess you guys decide what you want to do. all i know is i am just defending my buddy because he is 100% legit


Voted '15 Mod of the Year
If he's received the receipt, I'm sure he'll be back to tell us. Hopefully he will research the receipt and make sure it's GTG first.


Voted '15 Mod of the Year
the dude is at work right now so i am just saying what i know from the facts thats all

3 sides to every story. You heard one version. I understand you want to stand up for your friend, but you may not know all the 'facts'.

He maybe at work, but he's doing well PM'ing me and calling people a 'tool' who tried to warn him about selling NOW bats and fixing his deal, so I'm sure he can respond.


Addicted to Softballfans
3 sides to every story. You heard one version. I understand you want to stand up for your friend, but you may not know all the 'facts'.

He maybe at work, but he's doing well PM'ing me and calling people a 'tool' who tried to warn him about selling NOW bats and fixing his deal, so I'm sure he can respond.

sounds good!!


From what I gathered from the story, The fact the receipt wasn't there wasn't brought up until after the bat was received without. Then the information came that he was waiting on a 3rd party for it.

I delivered my bat timely, in good condition and with papers to $Yahtzee$, as evidenced by his GTG feedback left for me. $Yahtzee$ delivered his bat timely, also in good condition...but no papers. In an immediate PM response, $Yahtzee$ informs me he's not the OG owner, but that the paperwork is en route to me in a week from the original big deal.


Quack Attack
I recieved the og reciept via fax to my work on 4/19/14 fri and I let DPHitter know right away.... I was actually not working tell the following mon and he said send by mail.
Which I sent out mon morning 4/21/14. So he should of got it yesterday or will be getting it today.
As you can see he started this NGTG about me the day he knew I had finally recieved the og reciept.


Quack Attack
From what I gathered from the story, The fact the receipt wasn't there wasn't brought up until after the bat was received without. Then the information came that he was waiting on a 3rd party for it.

DPHitter knew up front that i didnt have the reciept right away.....


Well-Known Member
This is a joke!
DPHitter, Has got his reciept to finalize our deal.
So this thread needs to come down.
So why are u guys taking shots at me if you dont know the whole story?

I recieved the og reciept via fax to my work on 4/19/14 fri and I let DPHitter know right away.... I was actually not working tell the following mon and he said send by mail.
Which I sent out mon morning 4/21/14. So he should of got it yesterday or will be getting it today.
As you can see he started this NGTG about me the day he knew I had finally recieved the og reciept.

so you don't know if he got it


Well-Known Member
I recieved the og reciept via fax to my work on 4/19/14 fri and I let DPHitter know right away.... I was actually not working tell the following mon and he said send by mail.
Which I sent out mon morning 4/21/14. So he should of got it yesterday or will be getting it today.
As you can see he started this NGTG about me the day he knew I had finally recieved the og reciept.

Shockingly, just got this PM from $Yahtzee$:

"I received the rec via fax.
I don't work tell mon AM.
I can email it to u than.
If that works for u?
Just need email or fax #"

If the papers show up, I'll update the thread.

also he said you sent him the PM after he started the thread. very convenient


Addicted to Softballfans
At the end of 2 weeks, no papers and now $Yahtzee$ isn't returning PMs. In fact, until I start poking for personal contact info, I don't get any response...then I put it to the board and, surprise, instant PM response.

this is all we need to know, and why it is a BB


I recieved the og reciept via fax to my work on 4/19/14 fri and I let DPHitter know right away.... I was actually not working tell the following mon and he said send by mail.
Which I sent out mon morning 4/21/14. So he should of got it yesterday or will be getting it today.
As you can see he started this NGTG about me the day he knew I had finally recieved the og reciept.

Then what happened here...

A week goes by, no papers, but $Yahtzee$ is at least returning PMs about it. At the end of 2 weeks, no papers and now $Yahtzee$ isn't returning PMs. In fact, until I start poking for personal contact info, I don't get any response...then I put it to the board and, surprise, instant PM response.


Quack Attack
This is what I PM him on 4/19/14
I received the rec via fax.
I don't work tell mon AM.
I can email it to u than.
If that works for u?
Just need email or fax #


Well-Known Member
This is what I PM him on 4/19/14
I received the rec via fax.
I don't work tell mon AM.
I can email it to u than.
If that works for u?
Just need email or fax #

Shockingly, just got this PM from $Yahtzee$:

"I received the rec via fax.
I don't work tell mon AM.
I can email it to u than.
If that works for u?
Just need email or fax #"

If the papers show up, I'll update the thread.

yes we already know


Quack Attack
Sent this to him once reciept was finally shipped on 4/21/14

Rec has been mailed.
Please let me know once u received it


Well-Known Member
you got a fax of it, you didn't get the OG receipt

also if you didn't have it in hand, don't say its included in the deal


Addicted to Softballfans
you got a fax of it, you didn't get the OG receipt

also if you didn't have it in hand, don't say its included in the deal

i think it was mentioned by both the buyer and seller that the receipt wasn't in hand. if you go back to when bphitter talked about the deal