Rain, Rain Go Away


Loves Balls
Tuesday night in Lexington was the night to hit the dives. That's when the people actually putting themselves through nursing school worked, and they worked at the dives to avoid people they'd see in real life. They would never work weekends.

I made the mistake if going to an amateur night at Camelot easy once though. Bleh.
Amateur night can only be one end of the spectrum or the other. Nothing in between


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Finally getting a chance to play this duck team I've heard so much about. Almost 100% chance we get rained out now because that's my luck.


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They're not bad. Their catcher really didn't bring anything to the game though.

It's crazy how the scores drop from gsl to utrip when you take out the dhh and the super rock hard balls.


Heart Throb
I bought brand new balls (ZNs), and my players were saying that I had kept the balls in my trunk overnight. Nope. They are just not the GSL rocks.


Softball is Dumb
ZN's are absolutely pillows when it's humid outside. Chicago scores were way down during the day Saturday due to the humidity.


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The classic m is the worst idea in softball ever. It's too hot in the cold, dog**** in the heat, it does too much damage on impact, and it doesn't bounce. Let's take everything we think about balls and do the opposite.


Jesus, you guys are still going on this thread??? Lol.
Hey, I need a price check on these three bats I'm selling (see below). I trust you'll give me an honest estimation. I have no idea what they're worth. I'm slowly getting out of softball due to multiple back surgeries.


ASA-Worth-Mayhem.jpg BJ-Fulk-Worth-Mayhem.jpg Miken-DC-41.jpg



Heart Throb
I must be getting old. I remember back when Big John was on the B list and ran the best C team in the city. Now he's posting pictures of winning E-Rec state. I'm not hating on it. It's just hard for me to compute.


Jesus, you guys are still going on this thread??? Lol.
Hey, I need a price check on these three bats I'm selling (see below). I trust you'll give me an honest estimation. I have no idea what they're worth. I'm slowly getting out of softball due to multiple back surgeries.


Between you and Doug with those surgeries, that's crazy.

That said, Casper needs a brain transplant and I need a **** reduction, but such is life and you accept your fate either being retarded or hung like a meat tenderizer tied to a dock rope.


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