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  • Do you know Matt Gillette aka Thundercats ? I saw you were on his friends list and I made a trade with him last week and I sent my bat out and I have not heard from him since ? From his positive feedback I am guessing that he is not trying to screw me, but I am just trying to figure out what is going on and I heard there was a big storm around his city in Michigan. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks man
    phillis its dubes whats going on? Hows work o wait seen your wife and she said you have been sittin at home on go back to work so i can take it...
    hey are you playin sunday nights? one of your guys from emmons is playin with me in marshall and said you might be looking to play? just lmk im tryin to put together a good enough team for upper now instead of lower!
    I have one in Warsaw next week & Plymouth the week after. Entry $20 each. Lmk if you're in for either.
    hey man, I dont know if you would be interested, but I could use players for a tournament in Litchfield Saturday the 21st.
    What its next weekend!! Come on coach! There are 17 teams as of right now. Cant wait. Hopefully we play somebody new.
    We will see you this weekend. REMATCH!!! We sure do get crappy draws at every tourney. I thought you would get something for leading the points! Guess not.
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