Recent content by EvilE

  1. EvilE

    dbgsp4 greinert dual stamp

    are these any good? why are they so cheap?
  2. EvilE


    Yup-- I will swing away with my Matrix!
  3. EvilE


    Yeah I still have one actually. I always loved the Matrix. Just feels right. I sold all of my bats except my Matrix and Worth Pumpkin (new standard). Our league uses 300/52 balls now, so the matrix has been collecting dust. Perhaps I should dust her off....
  4. EvilE


    hi guys-- matrix owners, how well does it hit the new standard balls? 300/52 I have a matrix still and am curious if I should try it in league --- haven't played for over a year... Lmk thanks
  5. EvilE

    Where are all the OG Juggys?

    I know, my 26 is gonna be hard to part with. I went 19-19 during a stretch with it a season or two ago. I swore I'd never sell it after that......
  6. EvilE

    Swung the J3A and the Juggy in BP

    Similar yes, the exact same? No. '14 Juggy wins.
  7. EvilE

    Where are all the OG Juggys?

    I have a 26 i MAY part with....
  8. EvilE

    You're the manager what do you do in my situation?

    Seriously F**K that guy. Noone needs that ish.......
  9. EvilE

    Bat Wars

    Is there any Boombah Asa bats?
  10. EvilE

    Bat Wars

    Just curious what bats performed the best? Anyone go/know? Unbiased opinions
  11. EvilE

    New asa Worths

    My pumpkin mayhem rattled after 6 hits! But the thing is fire! Hits super nice! I am very impressed by it!
  12. EvilE

    New asa Worths

  13. EvilE

    Demarini Cluggy by SBF

    Very fair point. Cheers!
  14. EvilE

    Demarini Cluggy by SBF

    Well the '14 Juggy is on the list, and it is hotter then the Cluggy, so don't understand why Cluggy isn't on there yet.....
  15. EvilE

    New asa Worths

    I have a new mayhem "pumpkin". Hot outta wrapper or need 44/375, or 52/300 or what?