bags are you managing the Westphalia website....there are a couple errors for the Devereaux Sawmill (thurs)...They beat HS1 last wk and on 6/30 they beat Charlies....
Good luck this wkend Bags......Second state championship is your for the taking even with a pretty tough field....Tell Pudge he needs to smile more too!!!!
Just seen your post in the ASA bat thread. Our Eagle days team is playing in A league. Neil from Parks and Rec called me yesterday, said if they don't get some more teams they might have to combine all the leagues.
just call the lansing indoor sports arena(lisa) tell them you wanna rent the cage i think its like $35 or $40 for an hr or so cant remember for sure tho. lisa may give you a guy named justins number just tell him you wanna rent the cage they dont need to know if you are slow or fast pitch, they never asked me before plus it doesnt matter!
hey you still looking for somewhere to hit? you should be able hit at lanising indoor sports arena, iv hit there alot, last year we used to rent it at least once a month, its just its a small area. and also i think court 1 has nets not sure if you have to be a member or not
IDK just thinking about getting a new glove over the winter... Kinda thinking about Rawlings Heart of the Hide or maybe Akadema or Mizuno, any advice??? Don't wanna spend too much either...