Pete D
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  • Thank you brandon0523, KangarooNokona, Spackler, DEXX, militaryballer, Pete D, B-REAL09, etnstudios, shifletd, Hit N Run for all your kind generosity! I am 3 weeks from walking and ready to get a start on things as soon as I feel like I am able. You are all welcome to play next year if you are in the area. I will be trying to organize my own cash tourney and 1/2 will go to some kind of charity local organization next year. I hope you all the best with ball and life buds!
    Hi all - playing ball about 11,000 miles away from most of you at the moment - Chaing Mai Thailand - playing with the young guns/flat bellies/college teams here - enjoying every minute......don't be afraid to keep in touch.........God bless - Pete
    Hi Rob;
    The PI was good and relaxing. It looks like I had less rain there than you guys did here. It was a quiet 2 months. I'm hooked in the the Hitters in 55 Major AZ but having been away don't have any 60's stuff lined up team wise. With the A's breaking down it was not a good time to take an off season break but it was probably good for me. Played for the 1st time today since November. Got an HR and was 4-6 but really out of sync at the plate but will get it down soon.
    I'm glad to hear your back on top and ready to "let the dogs out" again.
    Yeah - if your hear of anything it would be good to hear about let me know.
    I'm playing with Top Gun 60. I was sick last year, didn't play much at all. Should be good to good very soon. Playing 65's, but not quite "up to speed" yet, getting close. I take it you are looking for a home! How wwas the Phillipines? Rob
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