I just bought a Easton bat and both barcodes are peeling off. Is it ok to peel both barcodes off so they don’t get lost? I was told you need both for warranty reasons.
Hello! New member here! Looking for a LOUISVILLE Z5 JL44 BALANCED. 26oz. The bats that are white, Orange and green. Endorsed by Louisville Slugger Pro Player Jason Legault. It was only sold in Canada and can’t find it anywhere used in Florida.
good morning I would like to know if anyone knows who you have these models of bat for sale, specifically these models and this size in case you have them please write me at my email [email protected]
Looking for a female softball player (infield/2nd base preferred) to play in a Sunday afternoon coed team (Softball America). Details available thru me or rules and such via cuttingedgesports.net->click on coed at bottom of screen.