R R RFoose Jan 29, 2018 Hey can you help me out and Subscribe to my YouTube Softball page please? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgAgp1PBAJDMksNfa57m_AQ
Hey can you help me out and Subscribe to my YouTube Softball page please? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgAgp1PBAJDMksNfa57m_AQ
R R RaiderKit Feb 13, 2017 Hey dude how is the usssa 2015 Salvo? It is so cheap now I am going to have to get one. I have never seen one in action. Have you and how does it compare to some other eastons? Thanks dude
Hey dude how is the usssa 2015 Salvo? It is so cheap now I am going to have to get one. I have never seen one in action. Have you and how does it compare to some other eastons? Thanks dude
Hacksaw34 Nov 15, 2010 Hey Terry, what kind of price would a mint 3dx go for? I can't find any price guides on them
J J Jason1082 Aug 19, 2009 Was wondering if you had any of your 3dxe's left? Also which bat do you like better the 3dxe or the ff3dx?
Was wondering if you had any of your 3dxe's left? Also which bat do you like better the 3dxe or the ff3dx?
FLEET Jun 10, 2009 In case you're interested, I found this. I don't know if it's worth looking into...3DX. http://denver.craigslist.org/spo/1200674305.html
In case you're interested, I found this. I don't know if it's worth looking into...3DX. http://denver.craigslist.org/spo/1200674305.html
TWmccoy Jan 14, 2009 I had unprecedented success at Clement last year. They fixed the batters boxes and used good balls. We'll see what this year brings.
I had unprecedented success at Clement last year. They fixed the batters boxes and used good balls. We'll see what this year brings.