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  • just saw the thread about semi dye, hit me up if you need a shirts. im typically between 15 and 23 per shirt and art fees betwee 40 and 50
    yokes, Mccann wanted me to do another #3 jersey, its done and ready to be delivered, emailed him with no response, you wanna meet up for the exchange?...off work at 6pm tonight
    I ended up finding 3 teams this year to play with (Richfield, Roseville, Vadnais Heights). Hopefully that should cure my itch to swing the bat. I had 4 nights lined up but my wife is due in August so my 4th night got veto'd. I was told i can sub if needed...but that was it!
    Thanks for the pm a while back regarding some info on leagues (free agent pickup). After last summer i wasn't on much but have since started to check the forum a little more regular. Hope your doing well.

    Where you playing this summer?
    I sent your coach a possible logo I created and never heard back from him, can you check with him and see if he saw his email
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