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  1. Pinky12

    WCSA | Nov 14 & 15 | MENS & COED | Kit Carson

    man i cant wait to play again
  2. Pinky12

    Sis cl22

    stadium 2.1
  3. Pinky12

    Someone confirm this

    happy dance. happy dance.
  4. Pinky12


    Oh I missed these days
  5. Pinky12

    Another exclusive has risen....

    cant wait for the complete opposite of previous years cl22s to come out.
  6. Pinky12

    2015 DeMarini CL22 ASA SBF Exclusive

    bumpin a sticky
  7. Pinky12

    juggy best of the best!

    durability is hit and miss. ive had 3 juggys crack under 100 swings and im on my 6th of well over 1000 hits and no issues yet. Juggy > everything else for me.
  8. Pinky12

    For Sale 27oz J3A MINT

    some local store around the country still had some left in stock and selling them for like $249. i had one with a legit store receipt dated 8/1/14 that i picked up from a guy. so i believe the receipt to be valid if thats the case.
  9. Pinky12


    It's gonna be the same durability as the j3a. Most will last with harder balls, some won't. Swing at your own risk
  10. Pinky12

    For Sale/Trade 2013 cl22 27oz

    pm scented
  11. Pinky12

    J3A vs. 2014 Juggy

    for a canuck, you get it! :)
  12. Pinky12

    Demarini future

    i agree with the OP. my future hits the 52s much better than the 44s or harder. im not saying its not good, just that the performance for me is better using the mush balls. ive got juggys for harder balls so im ok.
  13. Pinky12

    J3A vs. 2014 Juggy

    Juggy feels a little softer and the endload is just a tad more noticeable. Juggy>j3a
  14. Pinky12

    Poll: Who is the best Major hitter?

    Filby and Connell are my picks
  15. Pinky12

    OG Ultra grey ghost claigslist find... (pic inside)

    Looks legit. Smooth endcap and Asa stamp
  16. Pinky12

    Cl22 pink or Future

    the future will have a more crip feel on contact compared to this years cl22. with those balls i might give the advantage to the cl22 in the performance category. my future hits the 52s better than the 44s
  17. Pinky12

    QUESTION - 2014 DeMarini Juggy

    out of all the j3as and new juggys ive had, ive never gotten a rattle lol.
  18. Pinky12

    What do you guys think of the Boombah Cannon?

    No cannons on their site
  19. Pinky12

    What do you guys think of the Boombah Cannon?

    damn thats steep lol. im almost tempted though
  20. Pinky12

    Bladk Ops Roller

    i can get you shelf for it if you think youre gonna want it. it separates the shoe compartment and the large compartment above it so your stuff doesnt fall down to the bottom