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  1. phxraida15

    Couple of Classics SCN3, SCX3, Salvo

    Any of these still available?
  2. phxraida15

    For Sale 26 oz For the Fallen

    I do lol
  3. phxraida15

    Snapping too early on the ball

    I went looking for this video a few months back on this forum. I remember you posted it years back in the media section .. Good stuff.
  4. phxraida15

    For Sale 24oz BJ Fulk

    24oz Bj Fulk. No issues, just a couple of paint chips. Bats in solid shape. Roughly 150/200 swings. Has barcode and returnable, no receipt though. Not sure how much they go for. So I will post it for $155 as goods.
  5. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware

    No there wasn’t. I work at 6am. Depending on what we are shipping out that day I could work from 8/12 hours. The day I said I could ship we weren’t as busy and was told that it would be an 8 hour day. But I’m in the food industry buddy and we had a bunch of Walmart orders drop, 2nd shift WMS...
  6. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware

    Yeah ok.
  7. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware Phxraida15

    Yes if you want to call it a lie. Sure.
  8. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware Phxraida15

    Yup, I couldn’t complete this one so I refunded his money back immediately.
  9. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware

    You’re correct and I thought I could that day for sure. But **** happens and I couldn’t. And p8ntchucker I did read your text when I was getting to work. And didn’t immediately respond back because it was early in the morning and had to get my assignment and then figure out a date when I could...
  10. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware Phxraida15

    I don’t. I just like arguing with you. You’re the same scrub you’ve always been lol
  11. phxraida15

    For Sale 25oz Monsta Boogeyman 3500

    Yeah I’m a bad dealer bro. Sorry I jacked his money.
  12. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware Phxraida15

    I couldn’t, that is why I refunded his money immediately. I thought I could ship that day but boss says no I need you to work late. **** happens. My job over shipping a bat. Idgaf!
  13. phxraida15

    For Sale 25oz Monsta Boogeyman 3500

    Whatever bro. I told you that same day and refunded you that same day because I knew it would take me well over a week to ship it to you. I did you dirty? I said I could ship that day and had to work late, I wasn’t sure when I would get to ship you the bat, so instead of bull****ting you for...
  14. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware Phxraida15

    Yes you’re correct again Joker! You are just to do smart! This forum would go down with out you buddy.
  15. phxraida15

    For Sale 25oz Monsta Boogeyman 3500

    Yes you’re correct. I told him that day I would ship, I didn’t end of story: BB it is.
  16. phxraida15

    For Sale 25oz Monsta Boogeyman 3500

    I already knew there was no chance that week. What should I have done miss work? Keep his money and keep saying oh I will ship tomorrow or the following day. Or sorry I couldn’t today cause I got off late blah blah blah? No it’s all good here is your money when I can ship I will get with you...
  17. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware

    Right on thanks buddy! I’m ok with it.
  18. phxraida15

    For Sale 25oz Monsta Boogeyman 3500

    I already started a post in the open board. If it’s a BB then so be it. Thanks.
  19. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware

    If it is so be it. I just wanted everybody to know what happened. But yeah you’re right I should’ve found a way. But my hours at work wouldn’t let me the following week. I was still going to at some point but when he said it’s been 12 days and said he’d leave me negative feedback like I still...
  20. phxraida15

    Buyer Beware

    i sold a bat to p8ntucker, I told him I’d ship that same day when I got off work. I had to stay and work late and told him immediately and said I wouldn’t be able to ship the following week and didn’t know when I’d get a chance, immediately refunded him. He told me keep the money and ship when I...