$20 Yahoo Fantasy Football League

Ronnie G

Star Player
Lol, figure it's the right thing to do...like I told Stompkin, give Chad a little bit to respond but if not I will be paying him his $25 for finishing 3rd.

Ronnie G

Star Player
Thanks, hopefully next year we can get the same guys back going and make sure everyone pays on time :bigeyes:


El Jefe
Still never got my monies, and not even a response from Chad to my PM. It ain't the money, it's the principality of the matter smokey....

Ronnie G

Star Player
I am here I have been just working all week more than usual I haven't gone anywhere lol

No response from chad? Well Stompkin PM me your PP address


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
He is not on much if at all lately I think. Did you send him an email? Only one I have is the one I PP'd to, but I think there is another one but it is a start.


scerred of sbf
sorry, haven't been on, i thought everyone was paid up and apparently I got STOMPKIN's email addy wrong....I will resend it and double check the email addy this time, if i paid all the guys that won over $100 each the day after the season I'm obviously not going to not pay a guy his $25


scerred of sbf
Stompkin, don't spend all $25 in one spot, save it for a rainy day, lol

everyone from both leagues all paid up now......looking forward to baseball here soon and then football again next season.....