For Sale 454 mutant,duo 2,wse,cartell,mv1


28oz cartell in great shape and has a return 185.00
26oaz, cartell in great shape and has a return 185.00
26oz. 2013 454 mutant niw nr 155.00
27oz. 2013 454 mutant less then 50 swing and has a return 170.00
26oz duo 2 in great shape has a return 170.00
26 oz mv1 in good shape and has a return 150.00
27oz. wse ress.titan 585/800 in great shape and has a return 175.00
26oz. Worth Filthy in great shape and has a return 160.00
26oz miken nxt in great shape nr 135.00
26.00 worth wicked 60.00
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Does the mutant with the return have a receipt?

Interested in a 27oz freak nxt maxload with return and receipt