For Sale/Trade ALOT of DOTD material

so I was going through my house and getting together a lot of stuff that I have bought and not used etc, and thought I would list it on here to see if any bros needed any of it. all stuff that's new with tags in baseball,golf etc related not softball. since shipping is expensive on many of the items I will make big discounts if you buy multiple items. Thanks!

nike youth golf bags. I have 2 bought for nephews at $60 each and never ended up giving them. $35

Easton sack pack with fence hangers and bat sleeve. was $25 ill take $15

motorcycle helmet. in good shape but has some exterior scratches from a slow speed wreck. was $150 ill take $60

youth sb helmet never got used. was $35 ill take $20

throw down bases. have 3 ill take $15 each

mask ill take $10

worth lithium prodigy. $179 bat. I bought it at a discount because it has a rattle inside. I bought it to return to worth this year for the new model but will sell not to deal with it. ill take $75

reaction balls. a blast to play wiffle ball with $10

new a500 12" ill take $35.

Sure. Pm me you number and I'll be happy to take more pix.

Also to really make this stuff a deal. For anyone who buys 2 items at asking price I will give you a 3rd item of equal or less value FREE!!!!!!!