Any Difference Between A 2019 and 2021 KP 23?


Addicted to Softballfans
Just wondering if there would be any difference between the 2. Have been gaming a '19 version and enjoy it, but after watching some vids on the '21 version, im curious if its an improvement over the '19 version based on the reviews. Anyone compare the 2? I will be using it for league play so I'm not worried about it failing compression. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.


3DX Connoisseur
Well, one bat is a 220, and the other's a 240 (assuming you're talking USSSA model). Kinda hard to compare the 2 bats for that reason. If your league doesn't mandate the use of 240 bats, I'd get the 2019.

The 2019 KP23 is one of the best sticks out there. It gets really hot without being too brittle. Good durability. The 2021 model isn't as durable.


Addicted to Softballfans
Im aware that one is a 220 and the other is a 240. I am just wondering if there is a difference in performance between the 2. The vids and reviews are all very positive for the 21 version, despite it failing compression quickly. Im not worried about that aspect of it.


3DX Connoisseur
Im aware that one is a 220 and the other is a 240. I am just wondering if there is a difference in performance between the 2. The vids and reviews are all very positive for the 21 version, despite it failing compression quickly. Im not worried about that aspect of it.

I'd say just buy whichever is cheaper and easier to find. 2019 KP is lights out. You won't find many better bats out there.