Anyone else's CL22 holding up well?


The Madness
To me the og stadium was super soft, my cl22 is not even close in feel, i hit the ball pretty hard but maybe i just need to keep beating on it.

Yeah, when I hit my CL22 on the sweetspot the sucker flies and sounds like a shotgun... like a 3K cut OG stadium. Very, very soft. When I miss the sweetspot it sounds a little more metallic, feels stiffer but still flies.


Baaaat Fleeeeep!
It's so hard to compare. You'd have to contrast bats of the same weight.

I had a 28oz Legend and it was super balanced. I sold it and then had a 30oz (which weighed 28.8oz) and it was noticably more endloaded. The weighting was like my other favorite bat... the CNT+. Medium endload.

IMO the CL22 is MORE endloaded than the Legend and LESS endloaded than the OG Stadium and that is comparing 28s. I've felt a 27oz CL22 and that thing felt amazingly balanced, very light, probably identical to a Legend.

So true, same thing with the 26's, the 28 I got now, is the first one that I felt that actually has a noticeable endload feel. the 28 feels very similar to my 27oz SCN17BH's.

If you swing a 26 or 27oz CL22 and thinks its endloaded, I'm sorry but you guys are smoking crack.


Addicted to Softballfans
So true, same thing with the 26's, the 28 I got now, is the first one that I felt that actually has a noticeable endload feel. the 28 feels very similar to my 27oz SCN17BH's.

If you swing a 26 or 27oz CL22 and thinks its endloaded, I'm sorry but you guys are smoking crack.

Very true about the 26-27 there is absolutely no endload feel at all on those weights