DAA, ZMA, Formadrol, ADT, etc q's...


DAA, ZMA, Formadrol, ATD, etc q's...

Alright, I've done enough reading through forums and studies the past few days everything is starting to run together. Plus, all the threads I do read there seems to be a lot of questions and few answers, so I figured I would just post these q's on here and probably over at bb and see if anybody can answer.

I'm going to try some DAA. Everything I've read seems to be a positive result, and its not that expensive, so I thought I'd give it a try. Most things I've read say an AI or anything else isn't needed. However, I've read a few reports of people who had a few side effects and I guess I would like to avoid those altogether. This is not for a PCT, just for a natty test booster. So here's my q's..

Would stacking this with ZMA be overkill? My thought is DAA in the morning and ZMA at night...

I know some people take l-dopa with it, but I read an article suggesting something like Formadrol. DAA+ZMA+Formadrol seems to be a pretty decent stack to me. Thoughts?

On a related note, I also ran across Inhibit-E as an alternative to the Formadrol. However, I saw all the articles about Novadex XT being recalled/banned... and from every press release I read, it was because it contained ATD.... Yet that's ALL what Inhibit-E is, ATD. What gives? Why did Novadex XT get recalled/banned but Inhibit-E still exists? I took Novadex XT a couple years ago, didn't seem to do much for me... it seems like the only thing it was guilty of was being an AI, so I'm not too concerned with any potential risks of ATD..... I just don't get why the hammer was brought down on one supp but not another.

Thanks in advance for any help and info!!!!!
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Addicted to Softballfans
It is not a good idea to take large amounts of aspartic acid. Asp Acid actually activates the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA), which is a Glu receptor. The NMDA receptor is actually what is one of the problems in Alzheimer's disease. In Alzheimer's you have decreased cholinergic transmission and overexcited NMDA activation which causes something called excitotoxicity. I am not saying that you will develop Alzheimer's, that would be a bit naive , however, anything that causes excitotoxicity is not something worth using.
It is also a player in migraines and is a trigger for a large number of people.

You also have to be careful with ZMA. If you exceed the dosage, you can run into heavy metal poisoning.


Fox in Socks
Unless you are deficit in zinc, ZMA does not boost test, it is only good for improved sleep.


I've taken ZMA before, have never had any problem with it, and have followed the dosage in the Western Washington study. Same thing with DAA, I plan on using the same dosage that was used in the study that showed a 42% increase after 12 days, which is 3 grams (3.12g to be exact). I'm not a "more is better" person... I'll follow what has been proven to work in studies. I know some people run l-dopa with the DAA. I'm specifically not taking NMDA because of the neurotoxicity buzz that has been associated with it.


Addicted to Softballfans
Unless you are deficit in zinc, ZMA does not boost test, it is only good for improved sleep.

This is true, but many people are zinc deficient. It definitely helps improve my sleep. I tend to cycle it on and off though.


Addicted to Softballfans
I tried taking a full dose of ZMA, but I couldn't wake up. I take half now and it is much better. I haven't noticed any difference in gains, but I definitely sleep better.


The Madness
I tried taking a full dose of ZMA, but I couldn't wake up. I take half now and it is much better. I haven't noticed any difference in gains, but I definitely sleep better.

I generally have some vivid dreams when I'm taking ZMA. It's very bizarre.


Banned User
and it's ATD, Gaspari recalled it from getting heat by the FDA. A few companies still make products with it. You wont need it for a run of DAA.


and it's ATD, Gaspari recalled it from getting heat by the FDA. A few companies still make products with it. You wont need it for a run of DAA.
corrected... good call, was apparently suffering from dyslexia when I typed that up. I still don't get why they went after Gaspari but other companies can still make a product with it? Popularity of Gaspari maybe?