ASA Does the run count

It'd be funny if you were our account rep. Because, you know... There are so few at CDW, after all... :D

My job would be 100 times easier without the users. I enjoy the webapp programming portion of my job. It allows me to be both creative and logical at the same time, and it solves problems on (hopefully) a much broader scale. For example, our company's president has to sign off on all purchases greater than $1,000, but he's almost never around. I got tired of waiting for him to come back to the office when we need $2,000 in new toner cartridges, so I wrote a web-based purchase order system.

It's funny what I can accomplish when I either get lazy or pissed off.

Whoa, you're another member of the order of BOFH!! :eek:
(or maybe BUFH since you are also an ump :D)