Drill to help whipping wrists ?


Addicted to Softballfans
Can anybody suggest a good drill or exercise to use to help use wrists more when swinging ?

I still have issue not using my wrists enough while swinging. Every once in awhile i catch myself not using hips and wrists enough



Addicted to Softballfans
Setup in your batting stance like normal and swing/throw the bat into center field.
Mainly Works on: Wrist release , top hand control, and develops a feeling of throwing the barrel at the ball

Interesting....ya you wouldn't want to let it go too late or you would smash the dugout! I'll have to try that. Thanks.

Someone gave me some whipstrips.

They've helped quite a bit, using them while trying to drop pinky

And whipstrips are what?

Thanks guys....good stuff


Addicted to Softballfans
I just ordered some whip strips, sounded like they would be worth trying out.


Watching baseball somewhere
How bout some good ol BP to help with your swing? Maybe get stronger too so you can swing harder?
wrist snaps can be done sitting in a recliner. Try em. search you tube and see. I also do wrist rolling daily with a 10 pound kettle bell attached to a rope. But I started as a youngster with a home made setup of a milk jug filled with water (start out qrtr full and fill as you get stronger) attached to a 4-5 ft long, 1/4 inch max diameter rope placed through a large wooden dowel. A wooden closet rod about 12-16 inches long with a hole drilled through it on the middle. Hold the set up at shoulder height out in front of you and Roll it up and down and in reverse! I also LOVE love the new "ultimate distance trainer". Look it up on you tube as well. Gym memberships? for some, not me. I have cheap equipment that is awesome quality. Found kettle bells and weights at garage sales. I do loads of SWINGS daily. nothing beats swinging and taking bat practice every other day minimum. I also use a batting tee set up that allows me to hit plastic golf wiffle balls off of the tee with the worth training bat. all metal 33 inches long perfectly balanced and 37 ounces ckit out as well.. Swing that puppy every day, the hit those golf balls off of a tee and then hit the small baseball training balls. You can also use tennis balls with the same set up as the plastic golf balls. Bad weather? Set up a thick painters tarp in your garage or basement and hit those plastic golf balls or tennis balls into the tarp. set it up by rolling up some paper towels real tight, insert that roll into the top of the bat tee and then insert o golf tee into the end of the paper towel roll. set your practice balls onto that tee and swing away! Then go take BP with a regular bat and softball and that ball will look like a beach ball. I hit a lot of balls year round. I take at least 60% of my swings with that worth training bat. It is about the diameter of a broom stick. I also have some bat cage owners who will testify to my zealousness of hitting with my "skinny bat".
Look up wrist snaps and how the "OLD guy" on there improved his distance and power. No matter what you do though, concentrate every time on each swing to snap those wrists and explode those hips through the ball. It is a" BA BOOM, Ba Boom, Ba boom rythym each time you step into and explode through the ball. BA BOOM, rythym can be practiced with a 4-6ft long PVC pipe held across you waist. Look it up. everything is now on you tube. I am 62. Wish we had you tube when I was a teen ager. Man the stuff out there for ball playing is amazing.