DSNuts48's Mobility and Posture log


Well my mobility is ****, I have knocking knees, and my posture is just awful. Tomorrow, Friday December 02, I am going to start with the Mobility WOD. I am also going to work on fixing my knocking knees with weekly progress pictures. Wish me luck, and see you tomorrow!

DAY 1: 12/3/11 - 10 minute squat test
Day 2: 12/4/11 - Couch Stretch and Calf Stretch
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Day 1: Which was yesterday, but I did it. It was the 10 minute squat test, and it was tough. It was obvious that I need a lot of work and had to take a few breaks here and there to shake out the legs.

Day 2: Today, the third, is day two and it's stretching out the hips. Definitely a problem spot for me, even though I thought I had pretty good mobility in my hips. Also going to really focus on loosening out my adductors and strengthening my abductors to work on my knocking knees.

Fro Joe

Snowden is a hero.
My flexibility wasn't all that bad and foam rolling and mobility work has really helped me. You'll really see the difference when you get on the field when spring comes around.


I never realized how much properly warm up helps until I actually focused on it. I'm very excited to see what kind of gains I will get by the start of the season.


Well I pulled a hamstring playing some football. Stupid me spent a lot of time on the leg I previously pulled and neglected my other leg. So guess which one is strained? Seems like a Grade 1. Happened yesterday and there is no swelling or bruising yet. Mild pain when I stretch the hamstring. Not going to do anything drastic as far as weight lifting or running on it anytime soon. However, I believe part of the problem are my hips and how tight they are. Makes sense that tight hips wouldn't allow me to push up correctly with enough stride and therefore I compensate by reaching out when running. So I'm definitely going to rehab this baby, and then loosen the psoas and flexors and work on a more efficient stride when sprinting as opposed to reaching out.


Okay I've been pretty busy lately, and recovering from a hamstring pull. I started again yesterday with the 10 minute squat test. I found out that I am in horrible mobility shape and am not limber at all. Main points were the posterior chain and knee and ankle joint mobility; as far as I could tell.

So in a nutshell the first 10 minute squat test sucked. I could only be in that position for maybe 2-3 minutes at a time.


Yes, and I foam roll sporadically. May be part of my problem. I did some foam rolling after the test and opened up some.


The last two days were the couch stretch and the calf stretch. I didn't think my hips were so tight and was apparent that my current way of stretching the hips stopped working as effectively compared to the couch stretch. My calves were tight, but seem to be loosening up a lot. Did a squat retest after yesterday and saw a difference. Only need to extend my arms out to counterweight as opposed to grabbing something. I am also starting the foundation back training today, trying to correct myself consciously every time I pick something up, squat down, and/ bend over.


Today was the psoas stretch. I need to do that more often if not daily. I also really need to put myself in check as far as food goes. I hate to start on mondays, so I'm starting on tuesday with the new semester. Purely mental by bridging the nutritional gap.


The Madness
Where can I find out about the mobility WOD and this 10 minute squat test? I'd like to work on my mobility too.


Where can I find out about the mobility WOD and this 10 minute squat test? I'd like to work on my mobility too.

www.mobilitywod.com Very informative resource, and guy knows his stuff. Hardest part is finding someone to do the exercises with you, mainly because people feel stupid doing them. It's working.


This sucks everytime I start it something happens. Been sick the last week or so with a virus that just has to "run its course". Though I did squat down yesterday just to see how my mobility held up and it's a lot better, with my problem point being inflexibility in my groin.


I'm really bad at keeping up with these things. A couple weeks in and I can see a different. My bad points are my inside bits of the groin. The abductors and such. Need to really get into those spots and my hips should open up. Some of the WODs suck, but feel great after you're done.


Since I fail at keeping up with logs I'll just post in here randomly with thoughts of mine:

-I have been doing 100~ back butterflies(not sure of the name, but basically that) per what DeFranco said about shoulder health and I can already tell a huge change in posture and over all feeling in the arms. DOMS. lol

-It's already time for me to get a new foam roller, hopefully the dense rumble roller will be the last stop for myofascial release.

-Stretching daily and doing mobility work as needed has done wonders for me and my hips have opened up a lot. I just need to focus mainly on ankle mobility and get good dorsiflexion.

-I need to drink more water daily, still having trouble when this when I'm at school, etc.