Part Time Player
The best way to learn and get use to it... Is hit off a tee... Maybe 100/200 hits a few times in a week... Grab the bat with you front hand and just push your hand with the top hand to hit the ball off the tee... If you do this and then go overlap it will feel natural and and have more control... Its the way I learned...
your top hand is just pushing on your bottom hand right, and not guiding the handle? thats why its tough for me to see how guys are able to place hits and go oppo easily unless you are using a bat light enough that you can completely control with just the bottom hand. otherwise the barrel might drop below the hands and cause pop ups...i trying to visualize the mechanics of this because the only time ive tried to overlap is dropping the pinky and ring finger of my top hand. the result was some really hard liners and grounders that i had no idea where they were going lol.