Other Hop Step?

Pete D

Addicted to Softballfans
A couple of buddies were playing in a Championship fastpitch game today.....

The opposing pitcher would wind up then deliver - but as he left the rubber he'd thrust forward in the air land on his back foot and stepping to deliver the pitch ending up a good 3-5 feet in front of the pitching rubber.....Is this a legal pitch?

When warming up he would use a standard delivery right off the rubber then change when he had to pitch to a batter.

This was a college FP game - but - in Thailand.....

Every tourney & slow pitch games are ASA here - but I am unsure which association affiliation or governing body covered this game.....

Since I was just a spectator I raised the question among friends as I had to right to get involved.....

Ideas - opinions? .....Thanks.....

I play in their scrimmage games to help get them oiled up but had never seen this pitcher - or delivery before.....


Speaking ASA, as long as his toes are pointing down, it's legal in men's fast pitch. If this were JO (girls) fast pitch, this would not be legal.

They were probably playing under ISF. Speaking ISF (International Softball Federation), this would be a leap, and is legal so long as he started the push off from the pitcher's plate.