How many defensive positions do you play well?


Addicted to Softballfans

im a 5 foot 8 lefty and not a great outfielder

so basically a little first and a some lefty second [not much]

im all stick at this point

Oreo Thomas

Star Player
Damn good third, and second...Solid short (good glove but not the first step I used to have), first base I'm Ok....Poor outfielder, especially on the lines...Catcher is no prob.......Won't pitch under any circumstance....


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LF=2 LC=8 RC=8 RF=2
3B=3 SS=3 2B=6 1B=7
Pitcher=8 catcher=10 got that locked down!

In coed I'm a shut down SS half the time!!!!!!!!


Addicted to Softballfans
I'm a below average first base coach.. And that is my best position.. and since that is not a defensive position.. My answer is 0..


Addicted to Softballfans
P-10 glove 6 actually pitching
1B- 10
2b- 9
ss- 9
3b- 7
I am a 9 in the outfield only cuz I busted my arm and can't throw people out at second from the fence anymore

Oh and C is a 10


Super Moderator
Staff member
I typically give myself a hard time whenever I make a single error ever......but after watching others play at various levels......I would go like this. I watched dan smith play in the world series....and my lord they made a lot of errors.....but they do hit the ball hard.

OF 9-10
IF including 3rd-SS-MI-2nd 8-10
1B 7-8
Pitcher = 5-6

and the cherry on top.


29 oz, you say?
3, possibly 4. I'm naturally a 1st baseman (by far my strongest position,), play 3rd pretty well (all I played for my fall team), and catch. I can play 2nd, but I haven't played there for a long time though do I'd have to get used to the position again.

How I'd rank at each position IMO:

1B - 9ish
3B - 7ish (Good arm, good reflexes, but I lack the range you want in a 3B)
C - Dunno how to rank this, as my league has no stealing. Catchers don't do much, I guess as far as covering home and blocking the plate I'd say 8ish due to my size and glove.
2B - 6 at the moment, could probably be a 7 or 8 with some practice.
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R. Boogie

Addicted to Softballfans
SS- 7 ( don't have the range I used to)
2B- 9
3B- 5 ( hate playing the "hot corner")
1B- 8.. have good footwork and can really scoop the ball
P- won't do it
OF-- I get better the more to Right Field I get so I start at 6 for LF and work my way to 9 for RF :)


Banned User
i only ever get to play OF beacuse of my speed. but i have weaseled my way into 2nd once or twice.


Addicted to Softballfans
I'm a mediocre player at every position except for pitch, which I've only done a few times so I'm below average there. I'd say I'm stronger on the right side of the diamond just because I have a horrible arm and getting the ball to first is easier from there.


Addicted to Softballfans
OF - 5. I have no speed :(, but make good reads
3rd - 3
SS & MIF - 7
2nd - 6
1st - 8
P - 5
C - 10


Good at 1st, pretty decent P, below average at 3rd, and pretty much terrible everywhere else haha. Well the few times I played OF and middle IF I wasnt terrible, but it was church league. I thought 2nd seemed pretty easy to play. Honestly I havent played anything close to competitive ball at anything thing other than 1st and P (maybe 3rd here and there a few times) and that goes all the way back to my little league days.


I have tragically low expectations... I need more self esteem.

Get involved, engage in extracurricular activities, school events, band practice, dance class, art class, and so forth. Find something that you are good at. It can help you to feel better about yourself. Accomplishment is an effective way to develop self-confidence. You don’t have to be the best at everything.

sound advice to follow..........


Get involved, engage in extracurricular activities, school events, band practice, dance class, art class, and so forth. Find something that you are good at. It can help you to feel better about yourself. Accomplishment is an effective way to develop self-confidence. You don’t have to be the best at everything.

I consider fapping daily to be extracurricular, a school event, dance class, and art class. I am the best at it and it doesn't make me feel any better about myself.

Thanks for your help though.

sound advice to follow..........

what do you know about following sound advice? :D


I don't play anywhere great....but I can play every position on the field good. I usually play LF, 3rd, or pitch.