Keeping Weight On Back Foot While Batting


Star Player
Hello All,

I'm having a really hard time keeping my weight on the back foot while batting. I've read that pointing your back toe in helps and it did for a while but I'm starting to find myself shifting as I swing.

Any suggestions?



Star Player
Sorry, wrong word to use. M entire body moves instead of the weight staying on my back leg and my upper body shifting as I swing.


Addicted to Softballfans
Maybe just slow it down and really focus on keeping your weight on the back foot. Lots of practice. I'm no expert though.


Addicted to Softballfans
Practice by taking swings with ur front foot in the air, works off a tee really well buy I do it in live BP as well!


Back to Easton
I do a tap step with my front foot. It helps load up on my back foot and I also use it to help in my timing


Youtube search Ken Bogaert or Bob Woldyk hitting videos. They have alot of good tips. Borgaert has a DVD for 13 bucks on his site "Analyzing and Correcting your swing flaws" . Best 13 bucks you can spend. Shows you tons of drills and everyday training to correct your flaws. The dvd helped me become more of a natural, repetition is the key! Then you can let muscle memory just do its job. Be patience, it wont happen overnight! I do most the drills once a month now, to keep me from going back to bad habits.
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Starting Player
i have the same issue. i closed up my stance bigtime, that way i had no choice but to step into it, and get that stride and weight shift going. still a work in progress...