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Addicted to Softballfans
You're talking about S4 with the night vision. Ostarine doesn't show any changes with vision.

Nope, I know Andarine is thought to have a metabolite with retinal toxicity, but I definitely meant Ostarine. Only night vision, not vision in general. Sample size of my anecdotal reports is n=3, but all the same reports: anything above 20mg and st night it seemed like someone cranked the contrast way up on the world. Dark was darker and things like headlights washed out the ability to discern anything else.

Blood work on all 3 came back consistent with ostarine (FSH, LH, and E2 all where expected) and others have run GC/MS on it. Definitely ostarine. Hell of a drug.


2.5 Tool Player
I've thought about doing a test cycle before but mainly because my test(after lab testing) was on the low average but also to help in my weight loss goal I set for myself and about in the same boat as being scared as hell to try it. After the doc said it was a most likely a life time thing I figured my short term goals isn't worth the long term affects.

^^^^this is very prevalent for the mid 30's crowd and above around my area. the DC area is crazy and lots of the weekend warrior corporate types want an edge on the field, in the gym, at the office, and at happy hour with chicks. HRT is what they turn to. its also pretty easy to 'cheat' on your blood tests to show lower than normal T levels, so basically their urologist or endocrinologist becomes their roid supplier. the smart ones know to combine the T they are getting with a good prohormone, estrogen blocker, and also have their doctor give them HCG every now and then when shrinkage becomes an issue.


Addicted to Softballfans
There is nothing legal out there that makes much of a difference that isn't going to hurt your body eventually. People will put anything in their body based on sketchy evidence at best. I don't care who says it works or who did the study it can be very dangerous. Eating as clean and healthy of a diet as you can while perfecting your approach to metabolism and weight training will get you where you need to be if you are just trying to be a stronger or more in shape softball player. If you are trying to be a body builder, that is a much different approach.


Addicted to Softballfans
I'd just like something to help me maintain and recover faster. My arm causes me a lot of pain after tourenys. Consequently, the arm (elbow more specifically) messes my lifting up during the week. Idc about getting bigger and stronger. I just want the body to recover better/faster. I'm 37 and my body has endured a lot of sports including a college football career, basketball since early on and 20+ years of softball. A couple knee and a shoulder surgery too. Suggestions?