Looking for reviews of the 2024 Dudley retro senior bats.


Which model/weight? How long it takes to be game ready? How do you like the distance? Anyone break one and when?


New Member
Has anyone gotten anymore definitive data on the "white endload" vs the "red knob" as far as same just repaint...or end load differences I.E. .5 endload, 1.0 endload etc etc .... thanks 😎


Addicted to Softballfans
Not, I guess totally definitive but fat guy says feels like .5 on this yrs model vs what he feels was more like 1oz last yrs


Addicted to Softballfans
There's a nice lil sale on these on one site. Surprised that not many of any other sites are having a bf sale on these


New Member
Thanks for the reply... I did snag the green players series one from Spalding, one of those sales 😉... I was curious on the differences, between the white endload and the red knob, so I called direct sports yesterday and all they could tell me was that they both were .5 oz endloads, they thought 🤔....so I went with the green bat because it lists .5oz as it's endload specifically and it's the cheapest price 😎


Addicted to Softballfans
Lol! Yeah I would never ask any of the (experts) on any of those sites about specifics of any equipment. Yes the green player series on their site is/was the best price. I saw the other two on another site that are/were priced a tad higher than what you paid for this one