Madbeers Accident Pics

Dude, only know you from the boards and i feel like one of the boys went down, thank God everyday that your good bro and hang in there, the headaches will subside with time


Boss Awesomesauce
Did they give you a timeline on when your sense of smell will come back?

He told me that it's 50/50. We'll see.

That is the worst knowing your wife can cook with the best.

Ain't that the truth.

Holy crap! I just saw this thread. Glad to know you're recovering quickly. Did you have any brain swelling or effects that you have to monitor?

Had a bit of blood on the brain, but they weren't concerned with it. Still have swelling, but that will go down in time. Eyes are good unless I'm staring at a screen for awhile.

Dude, only know you from the boards and i feel like one of the boys went down, thank God everyday that your good bro and hang in there, the headaches will subside with time

I appreciate that my man. And I get it. I would feel the same reading about another board bro.

Great news MB!!

Glad to have people pulling for me.


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
Not knowing how bad your farts are has got to be tough. I mean, do you treat all of them at threat-level-5 or do you hope that they are the all bark and no bite kind? On the flip side, peeps be able to fart around you without reservations...the quiet ones at least, which are of course the worst.
Be well my friend. Hope to be able to test that theory sometime not too far down the road.


Boss Awesomesauce
Did you have a concussion? I didn't see that mentioned???


Yeah. Had a concussion.

Not knowing how bad your farts are has got to be tough. I mean, do you treat all of them at threat-level-5 or do you hope that they are the all bark and no bite kind? On the flip side, peeps be able to fart around you without reservations...the quiet ones at least, which are of course the worst.
Be well my friend. Hope to be able to test that theory sometime not too far down the road.

I've tested this on my kids. Haha.

What Cor and comp of ball was that if you don't mind me asking

Thunder ZN Classic M or Stadium. We were breaking in a bat.


Boss Awesomesauce
I hope the recovery is still going good for you Madbeers

Yeah man. Going great. Got to go on our family vacation to Disney. Been back at work for almost a month. Got to catch my boy's pitching practice last week. Hit for the first time last night. Playing next weekend. Life is almost back to normal.


301' Bombs
Yeah man. Going great. Got to go on our family vacation to Disney. Been back at work for almost a month. Got to catch my boy's pitching practice last week. Hit for the first time last night. Playing next weekend. Life is almost back to normal.

I want to play next weekend! Dang it.


Addicted to Softballfans
Yeah man. Going great. Got to go on our family vacation to Disney. Been back at work for almost a month. Got to catch my boy's pitching practice last week. Hit for the first time last night. Playing next weekend. Life is almost back to normal.

Glad to hear you'll be back on the fields next weekend but even more back to everyday stuff. That was one scary accident.


Rocky Mountain Oyster aka DirtDog
Yeah man. Going great. Got to go on our family vacation to Disney. Been back at work for almost a month. Got to catch my boy's pitching practice last week. Hit for the first time last night. Playing next weekend. Life is almost back to normal.

I have a hook up for a big house in St George if you ever need something when you play down there. Don't know the cost, but it is wifes family that they rent out. Probably fit the whole team with only a couple sleeping bags needed.


Substance & Style
This thread has everything, drama, shirtless man, hope, wonder, nipples, blood, men's chest, happy ending...Think I want to buy the book rights


Glad ur coming along killer


Addicted to Softballfans
Looked bad...could have been much worse(spot). Have to go through the concussion protocol now.


Boss Awesomesauce
Glad to hear you'll be back on the fields next weekend but even more back to everyday stuff. That was one scary accident.

You're telling me! Definitely made me feel more human.

When will you find out if you're still the same case of nuts that you were before you got drilled in the head?

Yep... Still bat**** crazy.

Wishing u the very best bro!!

Much appreciated.

This thread has everything, drama, shirtless man, hope, wonder, nipples, blood, men's chest, happy ending...Think I want to buy the book rights


Glad ur coming along killer

I'll sell the rights dirt cheap, but I get to play the lead.

Can confirm still the same case of nuts. And still a better BP pitcher than myself.


Looked bad...could have been much worse(spot). Have to go through the concussion protocol now.

Yeah. Have good and bad days, but all in all, feeling great.