Oblique strai recovery time


Addicted to Softballfans
I'm pretty sure I strained/pulled my oblique last night in league. It feels like bruised ribs but lower on the waist ...hurts when I laugh, cough,sneeze. I swung and felt it pop.
To anyone that has had experience with this injury: what's the recovery time look like? I'm going to be doing all the needed rehab stuff- just would like to know what I'm in for.


Addicted to Softballfans
2-4 weeks. Warm up and stretch good once you feel like you're ready to come back. I could barely get out of bed when I did mine.


Addicted to Softballfans
^^^^im not that bad. I can move around pretty good still. It sure the hell hurts when I sneeze though.

King Hippo

Star Player
I had the exact same thing happen to me this week. Left side, under my ribs in my back. Felt like I got shanked. Couldn't swing, run or throw properly. Hurts when I cough or sneeze. So basically no softball for 2-4 weeks? Worst time of the year for this to happen.
^^^^im not that bad. I can move around pretty good still. It sure the hell hurts when I sneeze though.


Addicted to Softballfans
same thing for me chasing a low outside pitch that I fouled off, took 3 weeks off doing nothing, some PT after 2 weeks and they got me back on the field, since this 1st ever type of injury and i am now doing a stretching routine BOTH pre and post game and this really has helped me get my Range of Motion back, the Quadratus Lumborum is actually what I tore, its one of our deepest muscles on the side, also called the Q band. It connects the lowers ribs to the pelvis. You think sneezing is bad try taking a dump, I thought I was gonna pass out the pain was so bad. Initially the pain will get better and you think you are fine, then you sneeze and you realize you still have some time yet to heal. I slowly got back into swinging at about 50%, then 2 weeks playing to full swings at 100%, worst 1st time injury ever that I experienced. Good luck on the recovery!


Addicted to Softballfans
I did poop while recovering. It wasn't fun. I'm pretty much all the way back now. Took prolly 2 weeks. I did nothing but ice and rest the first week after the injury. Starting working out again in week two with some 50-75% effort swings. I was playing games by week three. I still feel some tightness. But I just keep stretching and aware that those muscles need some extra attention.....they're still a distant second tho
Had same thing last year. Tried to come back in 3 weeks. Was too soon. Reinjured and needed another 4 weeks. Was 7 weeks that it lingered.

And it popped as well. Good luck !


Just saw this post and agree. Was going to come in here and say 4-6 weeks, but everyone is saying 2-4. The " core" is the area of power and force transfer. If you feel good in 2 weeks, better off giving it another week, especially if your real job is strenuous. And if you do come back early, might want to catch or EH to keep the reps or effort down a bit


New Member
Try advil, icing it down the first 2-3 days then going with heat blanket after that. I woke up with bruising a few days after mine occurred, never missed any time (we play twice a week) and while the bruising is gone, the pain always returns after a game. A few weeks left in the season, I'll let it heal in the off-season

King Hippo

Star Player
Took two weeks off completely and by the third weekend I was 100%. This healed more quickly than I had anticipated. I initially thought I was done for the summer.


Addicted to Softballfans
I had one last year, I only took a week off and wish I had just sat out for 3-4. It bothered me almost all year.