Overlap grip vs. conventional (again)


Well-Known Member
so u went back to conventional or staying with overlap? lol

LOL....staying with overlap grip and most likely will never go back to conventional. Whatever feels right for you is what you should stick with. My issues were too much tinkering with my swing. I fixed my timing issues and that seemed to fix everything.


Well-Known Member
word.. mind game can always screw you up. As much as bp i have been doing. One thing i realized, don't matter how good you hit in bp. If you don't approach the real game with same mentality, it will impact your swing. one thing that screw me up is that I shouldn't try to draw walk too much. that messes up my swing. I seldom play so, I should be aggressive when i get to play. with poptoss, i am good enough to attack balls even they are not strike.


Well-Known Member
word.. mind game can always screw you up. As much as bp i have been doing. One thing i realized, don't matter how good you hit in bp. If you don't approach the real game with same mentality, it will impact your swing. one thing that screw me up is that I shouldn't try to draw walk too much. that messes up my swing. I seldom play so, I should be aggressive when i get to play. with poptoss, i am good enough to attack balls even they are not strike.

I try to be aggressive too and usually swing at the 1st pitch if it's a strike. I hate to walk, although I got one last night in our senior league. Was hitting pretty well so it was basically a pitch around. I hate losing AB's, but the guy that followed me made them pay so it worked out.


New Member
Been going with the Jeff Hall grip most of the time. Pinky below knob, ring finger around knob and door knocking knuckles aligned as best as possible. This gives me a nice balance of control and power. I experiment with the overlap when I work off the tee and sometimes in BP usually overlapping the pinky and even both the pinky and ring finger. There's no doubt this gives you more whip and distance. I just haven't mastered it enough to deploy during a game yet.


Addicted to Softballfans
Went full overlap however many years ago. Haven’t played since 2017, just picked up a bat and full overlap was just the naturally comfortable grip. Probably won’t ever go back.


DeMarini/Wilson Sports Senior Pro
With the top hand on the bat, I get to choose when to snap the bat. With the overlap grip the bat seems to act more like a pendulum, and snap around on its own.

I've also been making a conscious effort to let the ball get deeper before attacking it lately. That has made a ton of difference. Better contact, less knucklers.
Man, i think Tw hit it right on the head here as far as more of a pendulum snap with overlap and top hand. Also letting the ball get deeper, so we are catching it on the lag and snap..not chasing ahead.. One big key I found as i re learn my swing and body after knee replacement is to drive the knob at the part of the ball that you want to attack..middle or bottom.of the ball for desired effect. .if you rotate, drive hands and knob and finish thru the ball, where ever you aim the knob, the snap will go to that point. Some pro's aim the hands more and that works but I started back trying to swing up too much s with poor results but now am aiming the knob with the overlap grip at the point of contact and snap much improved...On lower pitches it takes alot of trust to do this but once you start correctly, the swing is a to b and a great cutting swing.


3DX Connoisseur
Man, i think Tw hit it right on the head here as far as more of a pendulum snap with overlap and top hand. Also letting the ball get deeper, so we are catching it on the lag and snap..not chasing ahead.. One big key I found as i re learn my swing and body after knee replacement is to drive the knob at the part of the ball that you want to attack..middle or bottom.of the ball for desired effect. .if you rotate, drive hands and knob and finish thru the ball, where ever you aim the knob, the snap will go to that point. Some pro's aim the hands more and that works but I started back trying to swing up too much s with poor results but now am aiming the knob with the overlap grip at the point of contact and snap much improved...On lower pitches it takes alot of trust to do this but once you start correctly, the swing is a to b and a great cutting swing.

This. With the overlap grip I always felt like I was contacting the ball way too far out in front. With the conventional grip I'm able to keep the bat back longer and snap it when I choose.

I just put up over an .800 average over 3 days of a big tourny using the conventional grip. I would never have come close to that with the overlap.

I literally have not used the overlap 1 time this whole year.... and I don't miss it.


DeMarini/Wilson Sports Senior Pro
majority of top young pros agree with you and have only pinky hanging off end with conventional grip...hard for us oldtimers to change tho!


Well-Known Member
I tried to go back and the regular grip just doesn't feel right. The overlap is still my grip of choice. One thing I did notice when watching pro hitter's videos is this.....they don't push their hands to the ball and then snap their wrists. I was doing this a lot the last few years with diminished results. Ken had a great video about a year ago stating to sideways snap your wrists early to get better bat speed and power. When watching the pro's they really snap early and that's how they create tremendous bat speed. There are so many mechanics you can try but ultimately for distance you need to find a way to get your max bat speed through the hitting zone.
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Won't do overlap. I feel that I lose bat control that way. If the bat is in my fingers, I can still generate pop and, again, I feel I have better control of the bat. I understand the physics of the overlap, but in the end, isn't it what feels best for you?